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Raynauds, Chilblains And Atenolol. What To Do.


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Ok I have had problems with raynauds for a couple years now. My feet turn blue and purple when im cold or stressed and I get a splotchy purple pattern on my arms and legs sometimes. a little before my atenolol I started to get really itchy bumpy red toes and found out I have chilblains. it got worse when I was put on atenolol. and now my raynauds is getting worse since I was put on antoher dose of atenolol. now my finger tips and toes turn white which my doctor said is really bad. the thing is I need a beta blocker or something. has anyone else had this issue? if so did you switch meds? and if so what meds have u tried that don't cause circulation problems?

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I haven't tried anything, but about 1.5" of the ends of my fingers turn deathly white when I am cold. When I am hot, they turn bright red. So, not sure if they are the same phenomenon happening, or some polar opposites. I'm not on any meds in the 8 years since I've had POTS, so mine is not med related. All this started a couple of years ago.

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