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Got My Official Diagnosis.

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My recent appointment with my cardiologist went really well, (thanks again to you guys who gave me suggestions on how to get the most out of my appointment) and I finally have an official diagnosis of POTS! I'm now trying to make myself drink more fluids, eat more salt, etc. as advised by my cardiologist. He also told me to start gradually exercising more as it can help POTS, and I was wondering if any of you have any suggestions on the best sort of exercise to start out with? Any hints and tips would be greatly appreciated.



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Hi Lyla,

It's great you have a starting point now. If you search the forums you will find tons of threads with exercise suggestions and tips. Most people start with recumbent exercise like recumbent biking and rowing. This can be paired with some light weight lifting. After gradually building that up over a period of months upright exercise can be added. This is similar to the Levine Protocol - Google Scholar it to read the gritty details of the controversial study.

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I also started on the recumbent bike. I started with 5 mins, 5 times a week and each week added 5 mins until I was doing 45 mins. I actually worked up to 45 mins on the treadmill and did my first 5k over the summer! Exercise was great for me, especially mentally to see yourself get stronger.

I had a bit of a flare up this fall, and stopped exercising completely. I started back on the recumbent bike this past week- my goal is 20 mins 3x/week.

The most important thing is not to overdo it. Start slower than you think you need and slowwwwly build up your strength. Good luck!

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In addition to these suggested exercises.....I would highly recommend warm water exercise classes. I go to a Ti Chi class, which is stretching exercise. Not the more cardio exercises classes. That is if you can tolerate warm water or standing in water. I don't have tolerance for heat, but still manage these classes.

Most hospitals have these pools and classes.

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After I had been bed bound in the hospital for 2 weeks I started with a peddler and trying to walk for 5 minutes... then 10 minutes... etc. I would say get started with a n y t h i n g. The first step is often the hardest.

Thanks everyone.

I was wondering if anyone has started off exercise with walking?

Or if it is best to start with recumbent exercise, would a pedal exerciser be okay, or should I get a recumbent bike?


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I started off by walking, for months and months, especially when the weather was nicer. however i was really hesitant to go at a fast pace or anything that would give me a cardiac workout because i didn't want to be far away from home if something were to go wrong...my own anxieties i guess. I started feeling better once I started doing the recumbant bike because I was getting the cardio i needed.

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I started with walking, I could only manage 3 mins a day at the start, but worked my way up to 45 min fast pace walk over about a year, plus added in other exercise (swimming and some strength work). With the walking I tried to increase the time by 20% each fortnight. I had some flares that set me back along the way, but always kept up some exercise even if I had to do less than before. I also found it useful to split my exercise so that I don't have to do it all in one go. My exercise physiologist said the key was to establish an initial base line of exercise at the start that meant you didn't feel worse for it and then gradually expand from there. All that said, when I started exercising I didn't have a POTS diagnosis and I think if I had, then I would have focused on recumbent bike or rowing machine as I would have been able to do more exercise than I could walking.

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