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Alcohol Intolerance


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I studied this info on many different web sites, but the simplest to understand was found at the mayo clinics health site, under alcohol intolerance. It's possible that some of us may have a genetic trait causing alcohol intolerance, which could mean that our body doesn't have the proper enzymes to metabolize the toxins in alcohol. So my flushing,stuffy nose,low bp, nausea may have nothing to do with my pots. Oh and just to add, I never get buzzed or feel drunk like everybody else. I literally, turn fifty shades of red.

So now I wonder if other (bad) genes could be causing my pots as well. The down side is there would be no cure ever. I want to do genetic testing, I'm interested in knowing.

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There may be different reason for different people. I never had a problem with alcohol until I became very sick with POTS. I would attend parties weekly (you know that young party age) and had no issues with it. Once I got so sick with POTS I couldn't even take a sip of the stuff and certainly dont even crave it. Just thinking about it makes me feel bad. The few times I did attempt a drink I nearly passed out, had to lay down outside of a restaurant on the side walk, so I learned my lesson.

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It might not have anything to do with a genetic trait involving enzymes and toxins -- but rather with (even gangolionic) acetylcholine receptors.

The academic literature is a little confusing, so here's a link of anecdotes from a myasthenia gravis forum (neuromuscular nicotinic acetylcholine receptors):


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Obviously this isn't effecting all of us, I believe this is what happened to me last night. As well, it has happened in the past but never has bad has last night and it hasn't happened every single time that I have had a drink. My bp was 98/81 my pulse was 122 in my recliner. My face was red as fire and felt like it was actually burning. Abdominal cramps were extreme. And this genetic thing must effect acetylcholine. Here's something from one of the site I read about. (Alcohol flush )is a condition in which an individual's face or body experiences flushes or blotches as a result of an accumulation of acetaldehyde, a metabolic byproduct of the catabolic metabolism of alcohol. As well, mass cell may play a part in all of this.

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Mercery, sorry about the typo's. It is terrible not having the answers. Not knowing why. We lose so much as it is. I'm tired of not being able to have a life. I want a doctor to care enough to find the answers.

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Alcohol intolerance is a common issue for POTS because alcohol lowers BP and is dehydrating. Most of us need more fluids and higher BP, so many can't/don't drink at all. I wouldn't be worried about a separate genetic issue unless you had any other reason to think you had this issue I didn't drink alcohol for a year or two when I was at my worst because I didn't think it was worth it. Now I can have couple of glasses of wine without any side effect.

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Or, there may be a genetic predisposition that gets enhanced perhaps when POTS strikes? I know I was never much of a drinker because I didn't particularly like the way it made me feel and sometimes caused a migraine (especially wine). Since POTS hit, I can't take more than a sip without feeling so awful it's not even worth going close to a drink.

The 23 and Me genetic testing includes testing for "alcohol flush response" in their results. Has some research on SNP connections that might be related to alcohol dependance but don't see anything that seems to be related to alcohol intolerance yet.

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I've thought about the 23andme. I don't think my insurance would be okay with it, but I really don't have any other answers either. And maybe your right about the spike, because I have been able to have a couple drink when there were no problems. I'm almost afraid to try it again, LOL

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I don't think insurance will cover 23 and Me testing. It's down to $99 now for the kit though so maybe you could ask for it for Christmas. Sometimes they do specials and it's even less.

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