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Has Anyone Had The Paraneoplastic Autoantibody Evaluation Test Done Through Mayo?


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After receiving borderline test results for PANDAS, the neurologist is going to have this test ran on my son. I understand this test checks for antibodies that can cause neuromuscular disorders and autoimmune disorders in the immune system. Has this test been helpful to diagnosis an underlying condition. Would be curious to know what disorders with this test are showing up with the POTS patients.


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Does this cause problems for you? Can you explain to me how this effects your body? Does it make you feel worse? Does it cause specific symptoms? You can p/m me if you like. All I know is that this test checks for several different antibodies but I don't know how these antibodies affect the body.


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Well on the paraneoplastic panel - there are two calcium channel AB that are tested for -P/Q and N-type. P/Q has a very strong association with a disease called Lambert Eaton As the Mayo Clinic paraneoplastic specialist told me last month - N-type is usually a tag along antibody that is found in various diseases with autonomic problems including Lambert Eaton. I don't have Lambert. The Mayo doctors aren't sure exactly what I have. They admit while they are probably the leading experts...there still not much they know about the N-type AB.

My symptoms. I have chronic body ache. It feels like I have the flu with a high fever. But I don't have a fever. My feet and legs hurt especially. I'm weak. I have tachycardia. Thats about it. It's barely debilating. I have a desk job... So I can still work. I'm just miserable. I look fine though.

You see there can be neurological problems that are associated with cancer. The paraneoplastic panel is a good indicator to identify if your neurological issues could be cancer or tumor related. I get screened for cancer every 6 months .... So far negative. Which has lead my doctors to believe my antibodies are autoimmune in nature. The calcium AB have a high association with small cell lung cancer.

This disease is what neurologist call channelopaties Specifically ion channelopaties. The n-type is found in the central and pheriphial nervous system.

I've been dx with POTS ans small fiber neuro.

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I just had a massive number of blood tests done, Paraneoplastic was one of them. Thanks for asking this question, the responses have been very helpful. Natops: I am familiar with what the test is for, I am just a bit confused because a lot of people who have this test and have finally been diagnosed have had symptoms for a while. In my case I have had major symptoms for about 14 months. It confuses me that a cancer could be missed for such a long period of time.

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I've only had the AChR autoantibody test of the paraneoplastic panel and mine wasn't tested by Mayo.

Faintinggoat, my understanding is that for those who have the positive blood markers the neuropathic/autonomic symptoms usually precede the identification of a malignant tumor.

Rachel, you may find the following links helpful (unless you've already seen them)


http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/paraneoplastic-syndromes/DS00840/DSECTION=symptoms (on the left side of the page you can find links for causes, treatments and drugs, risk factors etc)


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Thanks Alex. These are really great articles to read. Good information.

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I had the panel done (actually via Quest who can send it out to Mayo for this) and they were all negative for me. The specific tests performed were:





PCA-1, 5

PCA-2, S




It includes interpretive comments:

No informative autoantibodies were detected in this evaluation. However, a negative result does not exclude neurological autoimmunity with or without associated neoplasia.

The mystery continues!

Have there been additional antibodies added to the panel recently? This was from May 2013.

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