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Heart Jumps That Cause Pain- Anyone Else?


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Wonder if anyone can help to settle my mind.

I seem to be getting lots of flutters that are giving me really bad chest pain. I have had extensive tests and there is nothing structurally wrong. In the past these jumps would be really high -say 160 bpm and happen when moving too fast but now they are 10 beat jumps and when i am sitting.

-Doesn't sound like much but they have completely debilitated me and made me really feel ill, tired, tachy, potsy and really bad chest pain and they keep happening a few times a day. I am just recovering from one and another happen. It used to be one big one a week.

Luckily i have a tape on so have caught a few.

I had an atrial tachicardia caught overnight on a monitor in hospital and Dr said it might mean nothing - hope so!

I think neither th Drs or myself know whether it is a cardo problem causing the pots to kick of or solely a pots problem.

I was about to post about how I was getting better and then had a massive step backwards. I have a flight on saturday so feeling very nervous. Just looking for understanding before getting on the plane - does anyone else get this.

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Hi Emma

I used to get very painful heartbeats when my tachy would get really out of hand....my specialist thought it was just due to the changes in vascular pressure and because they were so forceful..... I found a small dose of beta blocker during those periods helped and also extra magnesium....I still get painful beats but they happen in my carotid artery now....yikes :( they are very painful and freak me out too because I also get lightheaded with them ...... but my specialist says it is nothing to worry about.... hang in there!


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yes, i read once that it is caused by a short electrical disruption from no enough blood circulating through the area, but it resolves itself for me. A holter would be good for ruling out pvc's IMHO.

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Yes - I have lots of dysrhythmias (irregular beats) - some cause pain - some take my breath away - other than taking beta blocker, there is nothing else I can do about them - the beta blocker helps keep the numbers down - I also have multiple heart rate drops every day so, I have a pacemaker to keep my rate up. My cardiologist told me I was not allowed to fly until I had my pacemaker inserted - guess the high altitude could cause an increase in symptoms and syncope

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Thank - that is all reassuring.

I have been absolutely taken aback by the full force of my symptoms after such a good period.

E Soskis - this is what i have - symptoms all over the place, high and low. But i think my adrenaline has kicked off again. The chest pain and pressure / burning / tension are awful. When i fly i take BB and small does of valium.

dpeepps - sorry you get this too - it is my worse symptom -can you expand you expand on your experiences- everyone looks so blank at me when i try and explain.

Lemons - yes i think the warmer weather has dilated my blood vessels in my legs - i have pains in the back of them and maybe this is the problem. Otherwise it is poor endothelial function in my chest.

Bren -i think it is also pressure changes. I shall look up wher to get magnesuim from.

Cant take more than 5mg BB as it drops HR into 40's. At the moment i am alternating between this and small doses of valium.

I have not been able to go to work or do anything.

Thanks everyone

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