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I was reviewing some medical records and came across a couple of EKGs that noted Short PR Syndrome. When I look that up, Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome or Lown-Ganong-Levine Sydrome (interesting names :rolleyes:) pop up. I certainly experience the symptoms these syndromes cause. I'm assuming since the Doctors did not even mention this to me, that's it's fine, but I never fully trust that. Anyone happen to know anything?


I'm certainly no Dr. and I would recommend you talk with a cardiologist who understands EKG's in POTS patients. Having said that, I will share my experience which is that I frequently have "weird" messages and notes on my EKG's ; especially when they take it and I'm in tachycardia or having a POTS flare. I have learned over time that often times there really is nothing wrong (other than POTS)....it's just the tech who reads the report has no idea what my diagnosis is. He reports any potential finding or concern no matter how minor and it's up to the Dr to really determine if it's a true concern in that specific case.

So....certainly question your Dr. about it and he/she should be able to give you a sound explanation but it's likely that it's nothing critical for you to worry about.


I have had "trivial" abnormalities on EKGs show up, I think I actually had this exact one once. I called my doctor in a panic when I got the paper in the mail with the results. He explained to me that he didn't bring it up because its a trivial thing, translation yes its "abnormal" but its really not consequential and doesn't mean anything else, at least in my case. He compared it to people's heights, people are different sizes but it doesn't mean they're all sick. Anyway, it certainly wouldn't hurt to bring it up but my guess is there's a reason your doc didn't mention it and chances are that reason is it is actually inconsequential.


I was looking over an old one of mine recently and it stated av conduction delay, atrial enlargment, delayed qt..etc . I kinda freaked. I asked my current doc and he said ekgs are only a guide on whether they should look farther. I had and echo and stress test after the ekg and nothing was said about these things. He stated my frequent pvcs could have indicated those results but other tests proved it inaccurate. Either way its worth a call to the doctor to address it for peace of mind. Its def alarming what u find after the fact =p


I have also found my Ekgs abnormal, after reading the reports. No doc ever bothered telling me. It says I have twave flattening and inversions or something of the sort? Guess it in not important though because if they thought your heart was in any danger they would be obligated to tell you. That is why I hate getting the reports sometimes because I obssess over the details.


i have normal ekg's but bradycardia most of the time.

The doctors dont even bring it up. I read it on the med records.


I had an EKG that claimed that I had an inferior infarct (heart attack). This was of course interpretation by the computer. The manual reading disregarded it, but also did an echocardiogram as insurance which came back normal and proved that there was no such heart attack. Considering I'm 30 and have never had any problems of that sort, I wasn't surprised, but better safe than sorry!


When in doubt, ask the doctor to explain. After all, you're stuck with the bill. You really should get some type of report about your test results.


I've had some oddities in my ECG's as well, and I made sure I asked my drs about them. Most of them reassured me that everything is fine, but one EP thought I should have an ablation due to a possible extra pacemaker in my heart. All the other drs made nothing of those recordings and called them "normal"...I guess the EP was on the hunt for a new patient ;)



I know how you feel Naomi. I scrutinize all my tests hoping to find something. I always hope to find some clue in my blood work. Always in the hopes it can be treated or cured. Not knowing eats away at me.

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