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Tmao - Carnitine And Choline - Could It Be A Part Of The Problem?

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I found this video interesting. Since I'm addressing my autoimmune issues mainly with diet and a few meds ---this was of interest in light of my becoming a low fat, vegan. It could be very important for those that are meat or dairy and egg eaters. At the very least it's thought provoking.

One of the first things that is suggested by alternative docs when there is an autoimmune illness is to get off of dairy and gluten. Then there are many suggestions for MS to be low fat. My doctor put me on a low fat, vegan diet and I'm starting to have some wonderful responses. It takes a lot of determination. But, might it help us all??????


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I was vegan for a period of time, but due to being pretty badly intolerant to soy and not being able to tolerate too much fiber (i.e. too many beans are a no no for me) I had to stop. I do really wish I could manage it as I think it could help my health in the long run.

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I was vegan for a period of time, but due to being pretty badly intolerant to soy and not being able to tolerate too much fiber (i.e. too many beans are a no no for me) I had to stop. I do really wish I could manage it as I think it could help my health in the long run.

I do NO soy. Have real issues with it and think it's not good for you. My doc doesn't want us to do soy either - says tofu is pure plant fat. So, that's not a problem. You just have to make sure you get enough protein with peas and beans and believe it or not some veggies are very high in protein - asparagus is. I keep up with what I eat with a site that I found that breaks out your nutrients and the carbs/fats/proteins or your food. It's called SparkPeople and is free. I used to have some pretty bad intestional issues and all that has pretty much resolved itself with this new diet.


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I'm glad to hear you are getting such a good response to the vegan diet, Issie. I can't follow one because I'm intolerant to anything but low salicylates (and that means intolerant to nearly all fruit and veges), amines and glutamate. I have problems with some grains too, like rye. Although the diet I follow does help with red, burning skin reaction, hives etc., it's just not a very healthy one. It could be healthy (albeit boring as all get out which my diet is) but I just can't manage the shopping and cooking -- time spent in the kitchen etc. - that it takes to maintain a healthy fresh version of the diet. So I eat a boring, same old food every day, diet and now take a vitamin supplement (one that I can tolerate -- it was hard to find) that i'm relying on to keep my vitamin levels okay. What the well respected hospital clinic that deals with food allergies and intolerances did not know to tell me 8 years ago is that a small number of people become more sensitive to the chemicals in foods as a result of this diet, not less sensitive as usually happens. I'm now more reactive than I was before I was advised to start the diet. A story that is becoming familiar to me -- I seem to be regularly jumping from frying pan into fire whenever I try something new now. Not always but usually, anyway.

Well, that turned into a vent. LOL. Sorry but I need to leave it here because I need to feel I got that out of my system for now.

BTW, Issie I have had anaphylaxis and have some understanding of the way it works -- I am anaphylactic to aspirin. But I've also had an anaphylactoid reaction -- which is, I read on wiki, a mast cell degranulation caused by some offending substance. I was told that anaphylactoid reaction could turn to anaphylaxis -- it's just much slower -- by someone sometime but wiki made no mention of this. Do you know what's true? It was certainly scarey and very uncomfortable but not as terrifying as anaphylaxis.

For the life of me I can not work out how 14 years ago I had no known allergies to anything and in that time have developed numerous allergies to meds, and to I don't know what, as well as food intolerances and 'adverse reactions' to some other meds, that aren't allergic ones but felt like I was gonna die. I'm now 57 and at ripe old age of 43 my body starts going nuts to meds and foods one by one and then in a rush.


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Sorry to hear of your terrible allergies.

I have MCAS too and yes you can have a terrible anaphylactic reaction that can require an epi pen. I have two of them - just in case. I've only had one really, really bad time that sent me to the hospital. But, I stay on top of my allergy meds and try to pay attention at the hint of a problem and get on top of it pretty quick when it happens.

We are all still learning. I never get tired of learning - there sure is enough to keep me intrigued.


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