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Right Side More Than Left Side?


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I saw khaarina’s post on hands/feet going cold. Sever people mentioned that their right side is colder than their left. I’m wondering if anyone else’s right side is impacted more in other ways?? I’m more likely to have tremors on the right side of my body. During severe episodes, I experience more posturing/muscle rigidity on my right and sometimes head bobbing to the right. I have never figured out why. Anyone else?

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I'm always right sided ear pain, neck pain, R hand is cold and R sided hand vessels pop way more than left. As for vision it's my left eye that's lost the most as noted during my last 2 eye exams. I noticed that also in the thread. I'm a Right sided amputee so I don't have R lower extremity symptoms beings there's no right lower extremity...hehe

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I have some symptoms that are more pronounced on one side although I have many bilateral symptoms as well.

Left side prominence:

Myofacial pain, dental pain, ear drum spasms, migraines, chest pain and parasthesias in my arms. Muscle spasms/ tremors in arms.

Right side prominence:

Circulation, pain and parasthesia in leg. Muscle spasms/ tremors in leg.

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I think it all depends upon which neural pathway is going haywire at the time. My neurologist didn't seem to think it odd that one side or another was involved. I've had my left side turn beet red while my right side paled out to a lovely ghostly shade of white - at the same time. I've had one side that felt cold and the other felt hot. Lately, my left leg turns numb and has prickles like ants crawling all over it at various times during the day. The left side of my face always feels somewhat numb - cranial nerve VIII dysfunction - ...in fact, that was my very first symptom I experienced with the onset of this disease.

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My right side is more affected by numbness, neck and shoulder pain and cold. At the beginning of this flare I almost didn't sweat. When I started sweating again, it came back to my left side first. I still sweat less under my right arm. No explanation from doctors.

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