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Moving To Seattle In A Few Days. Question About Dealing With Heat


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Im moving to go to the autonomic testing center at UW. This is my main reason for going but ill also be finishing school and what not. I know it gets hotter there than it does where I currently live, alaska. And obviously there will be more sun. Im curious to those of you who are affected by heat how do you manage especially in warm temps. My hands swell and my knees and feet also swell. They get tingly and hot and my veins start to buldge. My doc thinks its jist exaggerated vasodilation of my blood vessels. It gets very painful and im extremely nervous about moving somewhere hot. Would love togwt tips . Im also interested in one of those cooling vest but cant decide on any so if anyone has any suggestions id love to hear them. Im looking for doctor recommendations too if there is any. I know a few people on this forum live in seattle and also live in heat so hopefully ill get some good feed back.

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I don't have problems with heat as much as you, but I was definitely shocked when I moved from Oregon to Texas during the summer. I can't go outside very often or for long periods of time, so most tips I have probably aren't long lasting. I found it's best to just try to go to one air conditioned place to the next.

- I have a jacket sort of like this one, windbreaker/waterproof type of material but still really light weight. I like to put it in the freezer over night (and if you have inner pockets you could put an ice pack in there) and it would keep me cool for a few hours. It may be a good alternative until you can get a cooling vest.

- Parasols might do you some good for some portable shade.

- If you need a quick breeze on your neck or face a hand fan might work.

- If you carry around a water bottle with you, you can fill half of it up and put it in the freezer over night to turn it into ice and then fill up the other half before going out so you have some ice cold water, plus you can use it for an ice pack. (Don't try this with gatorade, it turns into this weird gel/mush instead of ice and tastes horrible once it thaws.)

- I haven't tried it myself, but I've read mint lotion can help you feel a little cooler.

- If you are starting to feel really hot and need a quick fix, try going to a restroom and dampen a paper towel and run it across your face, neck, lower back, wrists, anywhere you need to.

- When indoors, if you can, try taking off your shoes for a moment. A lot of heat often gets trapped in there.

I wish you the best in staying cool!

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The weather to me is pretty good here. There are only a few days that it gets above 90. A lot of places don't have airconditioning so you might look into that.

I had my testing done at the UW and I spoke with the Nurse about what Doctors would be good to see for POTS. They referred me to a Doctor in Everett who use to work in the autonomic testing at UW. SHe is very knowledgeable and has helped a few people here. She is willing to try remedies and is very compassionate.

Here is her information

Dinah Thyerlei, MD

Neurology , Founders Building

Location Everett


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Live on an island north of Seattle, near the water it is always cooler than mainland.

Air conditioning is a good suggestion , because we rarely get high temps and low humidity.

Dr. Thyerlie is also my Neurologist, it was sheer luck how I was referred to her, and think very highly of her knowledge.

She is approachable and great staff at the Everett Clinic.

I've only had testing at the U of Washington.

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My neurologist at UW also mentioned Dr Thyerlie as an expert in this area and has spoken with her about my condition.

Perhaps you will luck out with a mild summer. Two years ago most of the summer was damp and cool, with only about two weeks of what I consider summer weather. Last summer was much warmer and sunnier. My first summer here (2008) it was unusually warm and we went more than an month without precipitation. As others have mentioned, most residences don't have AC so you may want to search for this or think about buying a window unit.

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I wikl for sure contact her on monday so I can hopedully get in to see her. Ill be there next week and want to hopwfully get on some kind of medication before I start school in the fall. Thanks everyone.

Also I thini it would be neat to have a meet up. I dont know anyone else who goes through this so it would be nice to have someone relatable. :).

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I spent last summer in DC with temps in the high 90s low 100 degrees and it was a misery...I'm fully confident that the move and the heat triggered my POTS to flare. I would recommend having access to a POOL, even if it's just at a local gym. I found that even inside the apartment with the AC blasting, it was like my physiology could tell it was still monstrously hot out because of the changes in barometric pressure. I've never been to Seattle but a close friend lived there for years and says it doesn't get terribly hot the way it would in say, Las Vegas or Houston (or DC. bleck.). The best relief I got was in a pool. Not only was it total relief from the heat but I felt many of my other POTS symptoms subside. In the water gravity obviously doesn't affect the body the same as on land so blood isn't working against gravity so hard and there's less pooling. I felt almost normal in the pool. Also eat lots of salt! Good luck!

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