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Feel like crap


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Hi all.

Just thought id pop a post, im board @ work and feel ill. I stretched ealyer and my heart skipped and started doing tumbles for about 30 seconds. I got really scared and unfortunatly left myself in a paranoid state. I also had a pain in my chest everytime i laughed, that really scared me. I got dinnertime soom, but dont feel hungry, i feel quite sick. Anyone help me get throught the dasy please.

Every skipped or missed heartbeat always freaks me out as much as the first, its awful.

love u all

james xx

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James, even when your body doesn't play along with you, you can work on keeping mentally calm. It will really help you not feel so panicked. Focus on your breathing and calming. Also, try to eat a little something so you don't feel worse.

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Are you sure you're getting enough water and electorlytes at work? I know that may be more difficult when your tied to a computer taking customer orders all day. So don't forget about that. It's very important as you know.

I was up all night with weird rhythms and forceful beats and chest pain. So I empathize with your fright! Try to think of a place or an event in your past that really makes you happy when you start to get scared. Sometimes I imagine I'm in Colorado where I vacationed and am canoing on Silver Lake loooking up at the mountains or sometimes I just imagine sitting in a field surround by a bunch of puppies that are running all over me giving me puppy kisses and love. (it may sound corny, but it usually works for me). I also repeat a mantra over and over to myself, like " I am getting stronger and healthier every day. My heart is healthy and beats in perfect rhythm."

You may have to experiment to find what works best for you. Hang in there James.


James, even when your body doesn't play along with you, you can work on keeping mentally calm. It will really help you not feel so panicked. Focus on your breathing and calming. Also, try to eat a little something so you don't feel worse.

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James. sorry you are having awful panic attacks. Sometimes we start to get stuck on every little change in our body. It can't be helped, it just happens. Just remember, heart pain isn't positional. So if it hurts when you laugh, it's a muscle. Real heart pain isn't relieved by changing positions, breathing deeply, or any of the things you do that would help it. Laughing causes you to use muscles on the chest wall, so if it stops hurting when you stop laughing, it's the muscle not being pulled anymore. I have been having lots of arrythmias since I was younger than you and I'm 50, so as hard as it is, try not to panic. They obviously don't kill us, just try to make us think they will. Just try taking deep breaths. or if the rhythm is very fast, bear down like you have to poo or cough. Often that will stop a fast rhythm in it's tracks. It's a vagal maneuver used on cardiac floors all the time. Hope that helps. If the panic gets out of control for you, you might consider something to take the edge off when they are unbearable. morgan

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Sorry it's been a hard day ... are you taking little breaks, mini snacks? Lot's of breathing time outs (as Nina suggests.)

Re-read the post on why palpitations occur:


Then read it again!

Print it out ... next time you have a palpitation instead of going inside your mind (where I go each time) reach for the printed article and read it again. By the time you get to the end, your system will have had a chance to re-negotiate and each time you can catch yourself before falling into that anxious state again you will gain back a little more solid ground to stand on.

Good luck on your journey. I'm one step behind you!


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