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Frusrtration!!!! -Volunteer - Support Groups


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Hi. I've been trying to get out more around people and since i can't work I thought I'd try to volunteer. I always liked helping people anyway.

The problem is I feel like I am looking for a job.

I've tried several online places that help you find volunteer jobs. First off I'm in MIddlesex NJ.. Which basically means the middle of the State. So I search within my zip code, I get all of these opportunities in NY! Some in Philly! And a lot that's in NJ but just way too far. It's really hard when you need something close and you have to wade through all of these opportunities that just aren't possible.

I've tried this one site that has a filter so you ca say I want a job 10 miles away... But nothing shows up. I have a real hard time thinking there's nobody nearby that needs help.

So I widen it to 20 miles..ANd I get a bunch but most of the are for Hospice or Cancer , stuff that will depress me if i do it.:I've tried before and I've gotten depressed.

I finally find one that looks good I call up.."OH we don't have that program anymore"..Great! Thanks Vol. NJ!

I found a few that look interesting but they want you to go through training, or sign up for certain days and hours. Like i can sign up to be a volunteer at a food kitchen but they are very strict with their scheduling if you sign up and don't show up 3 times you're out. It's a bit hard for me since i never know how i am going to feel from one day to the next and that just puts extra pressure on me..which makes it more likely I'll feel sick.:(

Same thing with a local art school. They can use help but only certain days at certain times. And If I don't show up because i"m sick they'll be stuck with no receptionist..so I never sign up.:(

I called the hospitals. But they are not taking volunteers. Not for a few months.

This all is almost as frustrating as finding a support group! :(

I call the self help clearinghouse every few months to see if there are any new groups because it's slim pickens for support groups around here.

There are no general chronic illness groups...Why, I do not know. Not everyone fits into a neat little category I have tried chronic fatigue groups..but one was like a class. the women just stood in front and doled out advice..not much support. I tried another one but it closed. There's definatley no POTS groups!

I was looking for a group therapy group for years , I finally found one. I have two session prior to joining the group just to make sure all was a good fit . I told him all about my illness. Then after I missed two groups he decided this wan'st the group for me. That hurt. I'm trying now to realize that this guy was the only one that had a problem with it..He asked the group how they felt and they were all very supportive..I just got unlucky with a fussy group leader.

Anyway majorly frustrated. and what I usually do is give and and get depressed. But i don't want to do that. I know i have to keep going.

Anybody got some success stories, of how they stuck it out and found a great place.:)

I jsut need some encouragement to keep looking , to not get frustrated or feel rejected..to keep going.

(sorry for the typos. I'm too dizzy to proofread much right now)

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Wow, even volunteer jobs are hard to get now too? How about going through your town? Our little local paper always posts volunteer opportunities, like working at the animal shelter or shopping, helping, visiting elderly or housebound people. You could try asking at your town hall or local library too. I think it's great you're trying to do something - hope you find something you like!

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I think you might have answered your own post. What if you work on getting a good chronic illness support group started? You could look for others willing to help organize meetings so if one of you is sick, the meeting can still go on. I know the EDS forum I belong to has various support groups that are organized by members. The one in my area is help in a library. And as Naomi mentioned, you can advertise the new group in a local paper or Pennysaver.

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