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Blood Results.

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i got some of the test back

Immunoglobulins Quantitative

IGA 373 70-350 MINE WAS 373
IGG 936 700-1700 MINE WAS 936
IGM 195 50-300 MINE WAS 195

so iga was a little high ?

Serum Protein Electrophoresis and Immunofixtion

Serum Proteins Sample 27

albumin 4.6
alpha 1 0.2
alpha 2 0.5
beta result 1.4
gamma result 1.0
total protein 7.7
ratio a/g 1.5

sed rate - result 3







CRP 0.18


gliadin pep ab iga - 9
gliadin pep ab igg - 2

ACE - 33

achr binding ab - 0.0

anna 1-negative
anna 2 -negative
striate mscl ab negative

achr gng nrl 0
p/q type 0.0
n-type - 0.0
anna-3 negative
agna 1 negative
pca 1 negative
pca 2 negative
pca type negative
amphiphysin ab negative
crmp 5 igg negative
neur v-g k+ ab channel 0.00
jo 1 auto 0.2
scl 70 auto 0.2
sm auto 0.2
u1rnp 0.2
sjpgrens syndrome a antibodies igg negative 0.2
sjogrens syndrome b antibodies igg 0.2 negative

any 1 make this out ?

doctor has not called me back yet

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labtestsonline.org is a good-ish website that can clarify - to some extent - the meanings of most blood tests

Your dr is the best resource though when it comes to interpreting those tests.

Best of luck,


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Not able to speak to or answer your question. But here's some food for thought. I've had low hematocrit, hemoglobin, low Vit D, positive ANA (supposedly mildly positive) strain of autoimmune is indicative of Scleraderma, recently had low Complement 3 test. The few positive tests I have seem to not equate how terrible I've felt in the past. It doesn't help me figure out why every day my symptoms seem to change. While bloodwork is a very important piece to our puzzle and certainly we all want to rule out stuff - especially bad stuff, if not all stuff, don't let the lack of positive tests dictate your drive for answers or not validate your concerns or symptoms. This might not apply to you, it might just be me but sometimes it drives me crazy to have pending bloodwork that might give me answers only to have most be close to normal. Hopefully you get the answers you are looking for. Good luck.

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