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What Do These Test Check For ?


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-antibody to extractable nuclear ag- mayo

-angiotensin converting enzyme arup

-c reactive protein


-copper level arup

-immunoglobulins quantitative

-gliadin peptide antibodies iga & igg

- hemoglobin a1c

-paraneoplastic autoantibody eval

-protien electrophoresis with immunofixation serum

-vitamin b6 and b12

-tissue transglutaminase antibody iga

-antinuclear antibody screen

-sedimenration rate

Any idea what all these check for?

Doctor ordered them

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Congratulations, those are all tests that will rule out autoimmune, primary immune and inflammatory conditions that can be the secondary causes for pots like symptoms.

I've had about 2/3rds of them. It will be really interesting to see your results, if you don't mind sharing with the forum when you get them.

Can you share which doc your finally found that is ordering these. It sounds like a really good workup.

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good to hear that you're making progress towards figuring out what goes on with you.

Sounds like you are in good hands as you found a thorough and knowledgeable dr.

I've had most of those tests, some are still pending for me (I think my dr got the results but I won't see him for another month) and like Arizona girl said, they are meant to rule out or confirm conditions that might cause POTS.

Please keep us posted.


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The TTG and anti-gliadin are for celiac. My TTG is normal, duodenal biopsy normal, yet my anti-gliadin is 4x high. I've since read research that this points to actual celiac disease, even though I was told at the time it didn't mean anything.

I'd love to know why they are testing your copper levels. Definitely keep us posted. Like Arizona said, they are all a good work-up for things various studies have said may contribute to POTS. Of course, I've not heard of the copper part.

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sed/sedimentation rate and c reactive protein are both looking for inflammation. CRP can be seen as an indication of heart disease, which is probably the why the 'not cardiac' bit was tacked on by your rheumy.

Anti nuclear antibody is used to detect connective tissue disorders like lupus and scleroderma.

Paraneoplastic has to do with cancer, probably looking for cancer cell secretions.

Hemoglobin a1c is a glucose test, looking for diabetes.

That's all I got without googling haha.

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