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Anyone Else Feel Hungery All The Time?


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For the past few weeks I have been experiencing inappropriate hunger sensations. It is like an empty feeling in my stomach, sometimes with nausea. At first it was a strong sensation that came on suddenly about 3 hours after meals. Now it is more like a nagging hunger that I feel almost all the time, sometimes even if I have eaten a large meal recently. I am not losing any weight and I've tested my blood sugar in the past and it was fine. Also, my thyroid still tested slightly low a couple of months ago so it shouldn't be that. The only change in meds was that I stopped taking Atenolol and I switched from otc Omeprazole (Prilosec) to prescription, but it is the same dose so I wouldn't think it would be any different. Anyone know what this might be?

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Medication is the only thing that I can think of that might cause this, although I'm not on any of your medications, so it's best to ask the pharmacist or dr. My husband is on omeprazole 40mg., but has never experienced increased hunger, but he has issues if he eats too much too late in the evening. I have the complete opposite issue from you. I am rarely hungry, feel nauseas most of the time, have to force myself to eat and have lost 30+ lbs. over the last 3 years. Hope you find some answers :)

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I never feel satiated. It's awful. I tell the docs and they look at me like I'm crazy. I was never like this before. I knew that one of the side effects of depakote was weight gain but recently I read several bits of info saying that depakote is known to cause extreme weight gain so I'm wondering if that has something to do with it. But the autonomic system does control satiety so I figure it could just be part of the way my dysautonomia presents. I can say I am really not happy about my weight gain and I've.been on a 1200 calorie diet for three months and haven't lost a pound.

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To katybug, I too have the weight gain problem and also eat under 1200 a day to no avail. It seems the first thing people do when they find out I'm sick is give me advice about diets! I have put it down to my mast cell issues for now. I have a lot of pain over my body. I had a theory that the excess prostagladins (involved in inflammation and pain and released by your mast cells) could be causing weight gain. Prostagladins inhibit lipolysis (fat burning) thus I feel exhausted as I'm not getting the energy I need and getting fatter! I have since read a number of scientic papers that support this. Also dr Afrin also thinks this could be the problem in his transcript on MSAD.

I first discovered I needed to omaprozole when I was like you both, always hungry. It was silly really. I had three babies (3m, 1y, 2y) at the time all suffering with gastric reflux and never thought it could be my problem. As a kid I think I also had it. Unknown to myself as a kid I self treated by eating very little and only acid absorbing foods. As my food choice increased I began self treating by always eating trying to satisfy my hunger. You could try having some milk or a peppermint tea or just take some antacid to see if you need some treatment for your stomach. Lots of meds can cause increased stomach acid production so you may need to treat the side effects to protect your stomach.

It hard dealing with weight gain no top of everything else. I hope you both find some answers.

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I am on high dose Cimetidine for my MCAS but my GI symptoms (of which I had them all) are under control now because of the Depakote. We theorize I have abdominal migraine as no other med ever helped my GI issues and they went away when I started the Depakote to treat my migraine headaches. The only time I now have any reflux or nausea is with a migraine headache. I agree with the theory that the inflammatory processes could be another cause of the weight gain and the inability to lose it. I feel like I had the perfect storm with this weight issue...in early winter of 2011 I was on a beta blocker, then we added Depakote, in January we added high dose prednisone for a time, then low dose prednisone for 3 months. Over those 6 months, I gained 50 lbs. (I've always been a twig so this is shocking to me). So, now I can't loose the weight. I'm still on Depakote (and it terrifies me to try to go off it since I did not enjoy the nights I spent on my bathroom floor) but I can't imagine the extra weight is good for my POTS heart or my EDS joints but I simply don't know how to loose it at this point. And, one of my MCAS triggers is exercise so I have to be uber careful not to overdo in an effort to burn calories. I am truly frustrated over this issue. <_<

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I don't have that problem right now, but definitely have had it a lot in the past. Always made me feel like I wanted to eat, while at the same time, I would be nauseated and feel full. It was weird.

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