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Hi all,

so i live in Az. Whenever we get rain and espically a storm I have really bad chest pain. I can basically tell when a storm is coming because I get pressue in my chest and then comes the pain. Does anyone else get this?

Its so annoying to me! Rainy days use to be my favorite, they come far and few here. I loved the lazy feeling and cuddeling up on the couch to watch movie. But now I have to try to stay positive about a rainy day because the pain that comes with it :( My doctor said she assumed Its from the change in air pressure. I understand that but is there anything to help it?

If this happens to anyone else let me know if you have any tips to make it better.

Thanks! Hope you're all doing well :)

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Definitely this has been one of my complaints since I first got sick- since it happened during monsoon season it was really noticeable. It also really affects my breathing- makes the shortness of breath much worse but maybe that's because I'm at a relatively high elevation to begin with so the pressure change is more of an issue?

These fronts moving through also trigger my migraines. All these symptoms are a much more reliable predictor of the weather than the weatherman. :rolleyes:

Edited by Chaos
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