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The Nightmare Of Social Security Still Hasnt Ended.


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I thought after getting my approval, it would be smooth sailing from here. Boy was I wrong. I am the most stressed out than I have ever been during this whole process. Just a tip, if you are sure you dont need SSI,,DO NOT apply for it.

I dont even qualify for it for my monthly payments, but some how got some for my backpay and it has been a choas of many phone interviews, finding information for my "spouse" even though we are not legally married. How the heck can I find out every single place he has worked, with the exact dates of employment AND with every single paycheck stub since 2009?!? Yeah, let me get right to that.(which is due in just a couple days) They still cant even tell me what benefits I am getting or how long everything is going to take. All I hear is some generic answer over and over. I know I shouldnt complain because i am very lucky to even get this, but i guess all the stress of these past two years is finally hitting me. I just want this to be over already. My lawyer cant help me until I recieve my award letter, and that wont happen until i get all tnis SSI stuff taken care of and it feels never ending. Ugh rant over. Thanks for listening :)It feels good to get it out because there is not a whole lot of places I can talk about this.

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Sorry to hear about the hassle. Is nothing ever easy? I hope it will be cleared up quickly and you never have to do this again.

This is just a suggestion,I have been in the process of organizing all of my medical records and it was a daunting task. I even took pictures of all of the mounds of paper on my floor. Every time I began I became overwhelmed. Finally, I started out in small parts. That made it more manageable.

I know you are under a time constraint, but maybe just do one thing for a certain time period and maybe it will make it a little more easier. By the way, after I had most of it organized and brought this to appointments, only one doctor asked to see it! Urgh, but now it is done and I shouldn't have to do it ever again.

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Thank you!

I am actually considering waiving my SSI because it would be a very small amount of packets and it wouldn't even affect my monthly payments. I feel so sorry for those with concurrent claims. It's horrible. They check every bank account, anything you own worth value, extra. I understand why they do it, but I wish they would give you more time. I had to reschedule my interview because I missed one piece of info. The process is horrible and so frustrating. I know of so many cases where the claimant has a concurrent claim and it takes months to recurve anything because everything is places on hold :(

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