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Infamous Gluten Monster....


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So Ive been on a yucky downward spiral that I keep trying to pin on whatevers happening currently, my cycle, diet, meds, the weather etc... and I decided to rule out gluten after hearing how so many have had an improvemnet in symptoms with gi dysfunction.

I gave it up 4 days ago now, after getting very sick from what I assumed was dinner the night before. Since then however I am having some strange symptoms pop up that I havent dealt with in a while. My asthma is acting up, but very deep in my lungs instead of near my throat where it usually gets me. Im also Having chest pressure and pins and needley type pain in my chest that is unchanging. SOmetimes I can press on the spot and it will ease for a minute but the pressure is still there.

Im not haivng any improvements with slowing down my gi freq. yet, which I didnt expect ,but Its actually getting a little worse?? And my nausea is coming back and interchanging with a gnawing starving crampy pain.

Im wondering if gluten withdrawel is real? or if if this is just coincedental? How did u guys initially feel giving up gluten? I did this once before and had no symptom improvement but I also didnt have any worsening either. and I only stopped cause I was admitted in the hospital and they refused to go along with my diet. I also noticed when I stayed there they gave me the colonoscopy diet....magnesium and miralax and after it seemed to clear my tummy drama up for about 3 days, which was amazing but it came back as I started eating again. Can cleansing like that help with an allergy to gluten?

Thx so much just trying to stick with this but feeling discouraged...again lol story of my life....<sigh>

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YES YES YES, gluten withdrawel is VERY real and it is not fun! I have been through it twice. The very first time I went gluten free about 2 years ago I had increased symptoms for about 10 days and then it was like someone lifted the fog and everything improved. This past summer I decided to go off the "diet" and ate whatever I wanted for about 6 weeks to just make sure I felt I was still doing to the right thing for my body. Plus it does take some extra effort and discipline to have many food restrictions and I'm underweight, so I thought I would see if I could gain a few pounds. Well, I did ok eating whatever I wanted which included pizza, burgers with the bun, milkshakes, etc. at first, but about 3 weeks into it I could tell things were starting to get worse. My symptoms mainly nervousness, jittery, diarrhea, brain fog and tachycardia all continued to worsen. I decided that I needed to go back to the gluten free diet I had been on. This time the withdrawel symptoms seemed to be more acute and harder to handle, BUT they only lasted this time for 4 days and then it was the same fog lifting and my body just seemed to calm and relax. That is my experience for what it's worth:)

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actually when I first gave up gluten I was sooo sick for atleast a couple weeks if not more. One of my friends who had gone through the experience years before said it was detox/ withdrawal and that it would get better once your body got used to not having it. For me and my severe stomach issues it did seem to eventually make a difference. I realized also that it was more of a wheat issue for me than gluten so I am able to have some gluten but not wheat....when I eat wheat my system can tell instantly and will feel horrible for several days after until it clears out of my system again.........

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ugh, so sorry some of u got sick. Its so hard to tell whats "new" and whats the normal everyday sick feeling sometimes. But I def feel awful for sure.

Bren, I was just wondering if I could have a sensitivity to wheat and not gluten. Ill experiment with that later down the road I geuss, when I can tell whats causing what. I think barley is one for me too. Sadly I ate Lindt chocalates a week ago and got very sick and barleys in the ingredients...=*(

Im also wondering about corn too. I ate some tortilla chips, plain gf, and got sick today from them. But one thing at a time, Im running out of food I can eat =((

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