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New Symptom: Itchy Hands When Cold, Is This Pots?


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So winter has just hit where I live and it has happened twice in the last 3 days, that when I go out into the cold, my hands get very itchy. It is an extremely uncomfortable itchy too. In a few places, it almost looks like a red blotch with a white center. Almost like hives, but it is not clear. (It is normal for hands to get red when they are cold, but I have never had the itching before. ) Does this have something to do with the POTS? If so, does it help give me a clue as to the source of the POTs - like is it autoimmune or something, or is it just another symptom?



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I have 2 thoughts: 1. Sometimes, the cold will cause a release of histamine which will stimulate the itching - usually to whatever part is exposed to the cold - 2. I have raynaud's from my autoimmune dysautonomia - when my hands are exposed to the cold, some of my fingers will turn bright red then turn a blanched white - losing all circulation in them - it does not necessarily itch but, it feels funny - this year, I've had it in my toes as well.....

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Hi abbyw,

Im new here and still have a lot to learn on whats related to my POTS and what is just quirks lol but SInce I was little anytime I am exposed to the cold I get red welts and very,very itchy especially on my hands, feet and legs. Ive always wondered what caused this reaction. As soon as I get warm (warm as I get anyways since I am always cold) they go away. Thought I was the only one lol <_< Ive always suspected some kinda of histamine reaction like mentioned above.

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  • 7 months later...

Mine get itchy either too hot or too cold. I also have Raynaud's and pompholyx (dyshydriotic eczema) from my palmar and plantar hyperhidrosis. It usually starts as very little red/brown vesicles, then the skin breaks down and just stays in all different forms of nasty for a while after a breakout. Cold in chicago definitely does it to me, and so does the very dry summer here in arizona (so I'm thinking maybe just dryness). The dryness doesn't make sense as I use lotion on my hands and feet, and it doesn't happen anywhere else. My worst breakout ever was in Dubai while I was working there, 115 degress F and 98% humidity, all three layers of skin on the soles of my feet broke down and fell off and I had bare muscle and ligaments showing. It was quite painful.

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Here's a link to an interesting study discussing hand symptoms and their relationships to fibromyalgia and ME/CFS (which has a lot of the same autonomic symptoms as POTS).


If you want an easier to read synopsis of the article and what it may mean this is a good link


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