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Nerve Problems


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Since I started pots symptoms, I get weird pains. Mainly in my arms and legs but worse in my hands. It's like when you hit your funny bone, hurts but tingly, weakness. I've had an EMG that I guess was normal. My feet are numb from ankle down. When they did the nerve test, they put a pad on my foot, 2 on my legs, and 1 on my arm. I couldn't feel the one on my foot and the tech wrote it down. The other part of the test was the same, couldn't feel the needle in my foot. My question is what could be causing these weird sensations if my EMG was normal?

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I don't have an answer for you, but I experience some similar problems. The neuro dr I saw did not think I need en EMG test as my symptoms are transient and in his words "true neurological disease is progressive, it doesn't come and go".

Could it be a side effect of any of the meds you are on? I'm only familiar with the omeprazole and I think I read somewhere that taking it for a long time might deplete your body of magnesium. To my knowledge our muscles and nerves need magnesium to function properly...just a thought...something you might want to mention to your doctor?!



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It kind of sounds like you have some type of peripheral neuropathy - I have Raynaud's and many of your same symptoms - my EMG was normal as well. The autonomic nervous system is divided into 2 parts: sympathetic and parasympathetic. When the parasympathetic system malfunctions, the nerves in the arms and legs don't work right - it is not uncommon to have sensory changes when the peripheral nerves are messing up.

There are times that my left foot is completely numb and I can't feel it when I walk. I also have pins and needles feelings in my feet and hands off and on. My legs can turn purple'ish in color at random times. My fingers feel "dead" at times and blanche out white - especially in the winter when it is cold outside. These are all symptoms of Raynaud's which is mostly autoimmune in origin. Has your physician ruled-out MS?

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I have weird aches and pains too. Sometimes

It's on the top of my hands, back of my arm, my forearms.. Sometimes it's weird pinching sensations... I swore for a long time I had MS. My leg would go numb for days, my hands would burn etc. my anxiety was through the roof at the time, my cortisol was super elevated and my potassium was low. (I started Florinef then stopped--depletes potassium) when the anxiety cooled down so did my numbness and burning sensations. However, the aches and pains still

Plague me I have a cold right now, and it seems a lot more noticeable.

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Soskis I get all of those symptoms also. My feet will turn purple if I'm upright too long. I was cooking for a while yesterday and my feet were bright red and hot. That was a new thing. Usually they turn purple and are ice cold. My feet from ankles down are always numb. My neuro was poking me with a needle in various places and that's the only place I couldn't feel it.

During these episodes it's like my hands refuse to work. I have to really concentrate on what Im trying to do. I've dropped many many things lately. What are some other symptoms of raynauds? I have not been tested for ms. I think I've had some of the basic autonomic testing. Nothing too invasive yet.

The only med I'm taking is omeprazole and zofran currently. I will have to ask my dr about magnesium.

I have had blood tests from my neuro but no clue what they were for. I know my iron was extremely low so I had an infusion. Now it's in normal range. As far as cortisol levels and potassium, I don't know.

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