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I'm not sure what's going on with my GI tract lately, but these new symptoms are killing me. About 10 days or so, whatever's going on with my stomach abruptly migrated south. I fit all the symptom criteria for IBS except constipation - and it *****.

I haven't been on antibiotics, I haven't been ill (at least not with anything non-POTS related), and nothing's changed meds-wise. There's not a single thing that I can pick out that might've triggered this. I wasn't even on my period. And even if I did pick up a stomach bug, two weeks is a long time for it to have stuck around.

My POTS doc said that she couldn't/wouldn't do anything for the GI symptoms and recommended I go to my primary. I don't have time to spend researching gastroenterologists for my inevitable referral. Sigh.

I know ibs can be neurologically mediated, so I suppose it makes sense that it would show up alongside POTS. But then I have thyroiditis and eczema, so maybe it's something immune mediated?

This is so frustrating. My stupid body needs to stop collecting symptoms/diagnoses like baseball cards.

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Yikes, sorry you are going through this.

Since getting pots in February, I also have developed ibs symptoms. I am on some Chinese herbs that seem to calm things a bit but still suffer from the symptoms- and mainly bloating! I was tested for food allergies, as I had a hunch I'd been developing several allergies over maybe the past year or at least since POTS. I have many, including gluten. So in addition to eliminating my allergens, I'm being tested for celiac disease and mastocytosis. Still waiting on blood results and just starting day 2 allergen-free but hoping this helps my poor digestive system.

Have you been tested for allergies? Celiac? Do you have a history of ibs symptoms? My primary doc is my favorite so I had no issue going to him for help-- good luck I hope you find some answers and relief soon.

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I have autoimmune thyroiditis and eczema as well and I've always had extreme constipation. On average I go (warning TMI) once every 2-3 weeks! Usually I only go during my period. I was diagnosed with IBS but apparently I have the form of IBS that causes constipation rather than running to the bathroom all the time. I have switched to Gluten Free which has really helped with stomach pains, bloating, etc. I did a colonoscopy and even doing 2 jugs of that Go-Litely stuff didn't work so they had to do enemas but everything was fine they said I just have IBS. If you are really suffering you can try suppositories, those work really well and they are over the counter, laxatives do absolutely nothing for me.

Good luck I hope you get some answers soon!!

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Leydengs, I can totally relate to that! I've had chronic C since I was born, spent my first 2 years at Children's Hospital. They said I had rectal strictures but nothing helped. I was taking stimulant laxatives for 22 years. There were weeks or months that I wouldn't have a bm. It was horrible. When I got pregnant with my 2nd son, I didn't go at all. I had a c-section because of it. My gyno said my colon was the size of a football and sent me to see a surgeon asap. I had a colostomy 2 months after I delivered. It worked wonders, was like night and day, until I got pregnant with my 3rd and my pots symptoms started. I've had 2 colonoscopies...before colostomy. Each time they had to help clean me out. I had the gallon of go-litely the first time, no luck. The second time I had the gallon, 2 bottles of mag citrate, a bottle of phosphasoda, dulcolax, and a bottle of something else. No luck either. They had me try miralax but that made me bloated and didn't work.

I'm sure that my years of taking the laxatives have taken it's toll and probably killed off the nerves or something. But even now, if I'm lucky, I will have a small bm while I have my period. Even though I weigh 120, I feel like I weigh 220. My C has definitely gotten worse since pots. My whole digestive system is a mess.

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I have autoimmune thyroiditis and eczema as well and I've always had extreme constipation. On average I go (warning TMI) once every 2-3 weeks! Usually I only go during my period. I was diagnosed with IBS but apparently I have the form of IBS that causes constipation rather than running to the bathroom all the time. I have switched to Gluten Free which has really helped with stomach pains, bloating, etc. I did a colonoscopy and even doing 2 jugs of that Go-Litely stuff didn't work so they had to do enemas but everything was fine they said I just have IBS. If you are really suffering you can try suppositories, those work really well and they are over the counter, laxatives do absolutely nothing for me.

Good luck I hope you get some answers soon!!

Have you heard of a drug called Resolor. My NueroGastro gave it to me mainly for upper GI problems although it has fairly recently been here in the UK for more lower GI constipation problems. I dont know what its called in the US but i know a lot of people who it really helped. Its not a laxative either.
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