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Anyone Experience Any Of These???

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Any stimulation even a conversation makes me over stimulated almost anxiety without the tachycardia, this has been happening all week even to much noise can extreme irritability, and anxiety it can last awhile or go away as fast as it came. My eyes are so sensitive just looking at a computer screen gives me nausea and dizzy. ( I am wearing sunglasses it helps a little). Hoping this goes away when I get back to Ohio. Im in Texas and have heard people say there pots is worse here. Not sure why.

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I experience this when my system is really flared up. It's much better in general than a few years ago, but I put on my sunglasses today in my husbands office because he has can lights that shoot right down in your face. When I was in Dallas the weather was very unstable and I'm sure the heat is terrible right now. That definitely doesn't help things. Have you been able to do any of the biofeedback program at all? I called Andrea yesterday frustrated with my lack of symptom reduction even though I have been diligent with it for a month now and am quite good at staying in coherence. Hoping things improve so you can get back home. You will feel so much better when you get back. For a while when I returned I thought if I survived that two week ordeal I can do anything!

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