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Is It The Zoloft?

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Hi fellow POTSies . . .

I had a baby 4.5 months ago, and for the last 3 months or so, the POTS has been a constant presence. I mean, obviously I always have POTS, but I have just felt like the pull of gravity is too heavy, sluggish, unable to stand, dizzy, nauseated, heartburn, etc. almost constantly (well, at least one symptom at all times). Two weeks ago it got really bad and manifested as extreme anxiety and I had to take a couple of Ativan. I think IV fluids would have helped but the ER said I wasn't dehydrated . . .

So anyway, at the same time, my doctor prescribed me Zoloft. I took a 50 mg pill the first night but had a horrible reaction (dry mouth, diarrhea, flushed skin, etc.). So since then I've been taking 25 mg. I know this is a low dose so I don't know if it could be responsible for my sudden remission? I've now taken 11 doses, I believe, so it hasn't even been a full two weeks. But for the last two days, I've felt normal. Well, as normal as a mother whose formerly good sleeper has hit the 4 month wakeful period, a growth spurt, and teething all at the same time can feel . . . but I don't feel POTSy. No dizziness, no nausea. Bowel movements even seem healthier. I don't feel like gravity is extra heavy. I feel like I could take the girls to the zoo or stand up and talk to someone for ten minutes - all the types of things I've been avoiding for months. I've been exercising and don't feel dizzy. I also have felt a lot less thirsty.

The only other difference is that we went north to the beach for the weekend, so I got out of our hot/humid city. But we returned Monday and it's been 100 degrees and humid since we've been back. And yet I feel unaffected. So could it be the Zoloft? Or is it just a freak thing and I"ll be back to feeling POTSy soon enough? Sigh. Hope springs eternal!

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I hope it is the Zoloft and it keeps working I have not been on any meds but if this works like that I want some!!!! Glad you are feeling better and keep us updated. What were all your symptoms before the Zoloft?

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Thanks Shannon. I'm glad the Celexa is working for you!

HappyChic, my symptoms were dizziness, GI problems, chills, fatigue, intolerance to upright posture, and then most recently, an anxious/edgy feeling, which is what I was prescribed the Zoloft for. I honestly didn't expect it to help all of my POTS symptoms.

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I wonder if it would help all my symptoms , I have so much over sensitivity to everything lights, noise etc.... adrenaline surges, hot flashes, maybe even get me walking again I am just scared of bad reactions to meds since I feel so bad all the time I don't wan to take anything that makes me feel worse.

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I did feel very bad the first night I started it. But I've asked around, and everyone I know who started Zoloft started on 25 mg, including my 200 lb. brother-in-law, and my doctor started me on 50 mg. I went to the ER the next day and they were like, "Stop the Zoloft!" when I complained of all my symptoms. But I gave it another try that night (at 25 mg) and have felt fine ever since. (It's the first SSRI on the list for breastfeeding mothers, so switching to another drug might have meant it was less safe for my baby -- otherwise I think I would have asked to switch.) The first week or so I had mild nausea, but only about 1/5 as bad as morning sickness so I was willing to put up with it to see if the Zoloft worked once it built up in my system. I'm glad I did! Literally on Monday I felt POTSy in the morning, felt like I had to exercise in the afternoon, and as soon as I did, I felt normal. Our neighbors came over for dinner and I was able to sit and stand at will and drink a glass of wine, all things that I would have avoided before. The normal feeling has only been since Monday but it's been constant - no faint POTS feelings or anything.

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