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Got My Enterolab Results Today

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Well, now I know why I am feeling better on the GF diet LOL. I tested fecal IgA positive for gluten sensitivity. My result was 56 (<10). Right after I sent my sample, I went GF and I immediately felt better. I am so happy I did this test because in the past three years I have twice tested serum negative for celiac disease. So of course I continued to eat gluten. I have been told my entire life that I have a 'nervous stomach and I should learn to live with it'. Grrr, no further comment.

I started exploring the possibility of gluten intolerance because of the comments from members on this site. So, thank you all for that.

I also got the food sensitivity panel. I already know I have a bunch of food allergies, but I wanted to see where they stand right now and I can't get conventional testing because I'm on doxepin and I can't d/c it for testing because my dysautonomia symptoms come back if I do. I was initially concerned that the doxepin would interfere with these results, so I spoke with a nurse at the lab. She was wonderful and told me that it shouldn't affect the test results at all. Whew. Also, I'm on food drops and I asked about that, too. She said that the presence of the drops only indicates that I am eating the food, and doesn't affect the results, either.

So the results of the food testing totally correlate with my clinical reactions. The bad part is that I found a few new foods that I shouldn't be eating, and I eat them pretty often! And that would explain the occasional mysterious breakout of hives. But what I really like about the results is that they categorize all the foods in terms of severity of reaction. So I can plan my diet to avoid overloading my immune system while still getting a pretty good variety of foods.

The summary of results was three pages long and goes into great detail. It is very helpful. The cost is crazy high and not covered by insurance, but for me it was worth it. Plus, I got the most expensive panel, and there are many other choices. I am SO glad I found out about this gluten thing. Even though it limits my diet even more, my stomach has been thanking me for three weeks now and I am hoping it can only get better from here.

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Congratulations. I felt like I'd won the lottery when I discovered how sick gluten made me. Like

you, I went years before this was uncovered. In fact, I had ataxia and needed a motorized cart for 16 1/2

years. This went away one year post gf diet. I'm mentioning this so you know that healing from gluten

damage can take time. The people at glutenfreeandbeyond have more stories in the journey section.

Fwiw, It's been 7 years now since I eliminated gluten and most other food intolerances. Most of my 1000

symptoms are gone now but I still have pots. Interestingly, I had oh (orthostatic hypotension) but it went away in feb either due

to antibiotics and anti parasite treatment or switching to the wahls diet. I didn't gain any functionality

because of my pots tho. But I get petite mals and sob with my pots.

I didn't do the enterolab testing. I've done genova and metametrix stool analysis over the last 4 years. My integrative / functional doctor supervised these and Medicare paid for them. These have been

great fir diagnosing food intolerances, bugs and enzymes. Fwiw tho, my reaction to dairy doesn't show up on these tests. I get huge dark shiners that come on rapidly but take 7 - 10 days to resolve.

Tc .. D

Ps. Not to be a debbie downer but the "gf" foods available aren't really gluten free. We don't have

any standards in the us so we're at the mercy of the manufacturers. The fda's last action here was to poll the

public on how much gluten we thought was safe. Seriously ? ?

I've found sticking to whole foods / wahls diet, helped me tremendously. Oats are notorious for gluten cc but other grains have been implicated as possibly problematic for those who are gluten sensitive.

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Fortunately I am a scratch cook thanks to being raised by my grandmother. This testing revealed that I am reactive to oats, which is a bummer. However, it is a relatively low reaction so I can probably have occasional GF oats. So breakfast is the new challenge, cause I love breakfast! I'll just have to do more rotation.

Thanks for the names of the other labs; it would be nice to have some insurance coverage for this kind of testing. Dizzy, I am really glad that going GF has helped you so much. It is shocking how food reactions can affect the entire body. I will probably notice more things as time goes by.

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Wow congrats. That is soo exciting! This is why so many of us tell people to just give GF a try for awhile and see how you feel! The blood tests are notoriously wrong unfortunately and so many only go by those. My husband did Enterolabs and his results were like over 150. It was shocking to us. :)

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