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Pediatric Cardiology Article About Pots


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My daughter has an appointment with the author of this article this week:

He seems to know his stuff. I'm hoping he can give us more treatment options, particularly for her GI issues, anxiety and fatigue, since nothing has worked so far. BTW, if anyone wants the full text of this article, I have it scanned. I don't know if there's a way to post it here. PM me and I can send it via email.

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He sounds like a truly empathetic, caring doctor!! There were a few sentences in the abstract about caring for POTS patients can be "rewarding", etc. that is not the usual talk I ever hear from health professionals. I'm glad your daughter will be seeing someone with such a great attitude. Keep us updated.

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I totally agree, Sue. I was pleasantly surprised to read that statement. He also recognizes that the treatment process is a long, complicated one and won't give up if the first few meds don't work. That was such a relief to me. I'm looking forward to this appointment.

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Hi everyone,

This is Kayla. Thank you so much for your replies, I can't wait to find a cure for this dang illness! I have read some of the article and like his positive attitude, ("This experience can be rewarding.") he seems like a good doctor as well.

Thanks again everyone!

Kayla, 10

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Hi, it's Kayla's mom :)

We had a great appt...this doctor was so sweet and knowledgeable. He confirmed her POTS diagnosis (her laying to standing heart rate went from 130 to 180!!!) and reassured us that he is in it for the long haul. He is starting with an antibiotic to try and treat possible overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine then a stimulant to help her extreme fatigue and brain fog. He wants to see her monthly to tweak the meds until she feels better. What a relief to have someone who knows!

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Kayla's Mom:

What a relief for you and Kayla to have a doctor who is interested and willing to stay with you for the long haul. I hope things start improving very soon. (I am very impressed with Kayla's updates on her illness - she seems very mature for a 10 year old). Let her know that we will be thinking of her.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, I know the plan now:

Dr. Boris is upping the riddelyn (it gives me more energy, it's helping!)

I'm gonna continue taking celexa, (for my anxiety)

And the mestonon (I was on a to high dose before and it made me dizzy) and its a lower dose.

Thanks everyone!


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