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Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia

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this is totally just a guess...but maybe it's because the type of dysautonomia that involves heart rate is pots. with pots, typically the tachycardia that is experienced is regular, sinus tachycardia and it occurs on minor exersion or with postural changes. IST is different in that it happens at "innapropriate" times such as when just sitting still, which does not go along with typical pots. i'm guessing that IST is an electrical issue with the heart wheras POTS is a neurological/cardio disorder.

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It is probably because most of us have it :) . It goes along with the POTS, which is really just another name for dysautonomia, but there are different types of diseases that go along with it, some are diagnosed, others are not. Some have connective tissue disorders, autoimmune disorders, neurological disorders, cardiac disorders, GI disorders, and UT disorders.

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I could be wrong...Sorry, my intention was not to mislead...I have a Mitral Valve Prolapse, which probably causes mine, but erratic heart rate has been mentioned by many on this site, even without prolapse. I have tachycardia sitting and lying down, as well. I also have sleep apnea, which is only found in 30% of us with dysautonomia, so maybe I'm just assuming this, since it is something that I have, as well!! :) Can a moderator help us out here, please?

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Did alittle reading and the reason it is sometimes listed as Dysautonomia and sometimes not is because noone seems to agree on if it is a primary disorder of the sinus node, or whether because the sinus node is part of the autonomic nervous system and isn't working properly it falls under dysautonomia. Makes sense now that I have read up. In my experience IST and POTS are often hand in hand as they are in my case. My IST made it very hard to diagnose POTS because my heart rate is not always stable to begin with.

POTS is not the only condition in Dysautonomia that involves the heart rate.

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i will try to help to make it clear. These are two distinct tachy issues involving the sinus in our heart. You can easily have both issues. diagnostically IST is a rapid heart rate that occurs "inappropriately" in other words when it shouldn't be and it's constant. For example a person before IST may have had a resting heart rate of 60 BPM and now after it may be 90 or 100 BPM. POTS on the other had is any change greater than 30 bpm when going from supine to postural.

Myself for example I have both. My normal resting HR went up to 80-90 and when I stand it is 130+ BPM. Generally speaking because of the increase of greater than 30 BPM they usually just call this POTS, it trumps the IST. When talking about treatments on this site they mention abbalation, which is an invasive procedure on the sinus node in the heart to slow it down and they mention it is used for both POTS and IST but some people have bad reactions. I've read that generally IST is treat differently. I believe in the absense of POTS some clinicians treat IST with a pacemaker or abbalation but not POTS. '

Not sure why they dont list IST as dysautonomia because I do believe the autonomic system regulates the sinus speed. It's within our fight or flight response system...

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MontanaKimberly, I am on the same med at the same dose. I have been slowly increasing because of being so tired but after 10 months I just don't feel or see (another Holter) any difference. EP wants to increase it some more and says we still have a ways to go before we might find my correct dosage. Not sure I like it.

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Most places I have looked it is listed as dysautonomia, including talking with Dr Thompson office in Florida. It just wasn't listed on the Dinet main page. Here is a cardiology based article on IST and its relation to dysautonomia. http://cardiologydat...sautonomia.html

Thanks for the link. There is a question as to whether this is a part of POTS or a seperate issue. Most believe it is a seperate issue and something that could potentially be "fixed". Since my tacky and hr can happen with just movement and sitting or lying - some consider this connected to HyperPOTS - some believe though that it is IST. Will be interesting to see how doctors sort this out. Seems like a bunch of us have this.


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talked to my EP cardiologist's nurse over the phone (cannot believe they called me back in the same day, points for him) He said its not decided yet but in my docs opinion as well as most of his colleagues that if you have IST without dysautonomia like symptoms is is a sinus node issue and can be treated as such, if IST presents with other symptoms related to dysautonomia than it is more likely part of the autonomic dysfunction and even with the procedure symptoms are not as likely to be resolved.

I have not been on an SSRI, I was on Wellbutrin for awhile but that was a doc who thought I had something else a few years ago. I see EP cardio again in the 11th and will add that to my list of questions.

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