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I came across a really old post about tumeric significantly helping people with brain fog and fatigue. Does anyone take it now? Do you notice that helps? Also, do you take it in a tea or capsule? My mom is really in to all natural and I haven't been responding well to a lot of my meds so I thought I might give it a try...

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Ive had it in my regimen for a good 6-9 mths now i think. I'm not sure what i notice about it.... BUT.... my joints aren't having major issues and I'm really bad about not taking them for a week or so during worse feeling bouts. So, i will say this... for me, i do notice a difference when i don't take it as compared to when i do. Im not sure what difference it is really as im really still trying to fine tune my regimen as we go along and as we figure out more things.

I do think, if one does good one it, that is beneficial.

I have to take my supplements in sets.... and i do them at least an hour or hour and half apart..... so my morning meds are broken into 3 phases.... conventional meds first.... next hour my vitamins, and a few select supplements.... then after another hour or more i take the remaining supplements..... (i have issues with taking a whole bunch of stuff together)


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I tried Tumeric twice (the second time was because the doc that told me to take it didn't believe it was the tumeric that caused the issue). At the third day of taking it both times, I experienced what felt like a Charlie Horse cramp in my heart! It was scary and painful. I thought I was having a heart attack. Both times I stopped taking it and had no further incidents like this. So, that's probably one of my food sensitivities we didn't know about but you should know it can happen.

That being said, I know 2 people with fibromyalgia that take it to ease there joint pain and they do very well with it. Keep in mind if you take it, it should be a supplement that includes black pepper too. The tumeric is apparently not very effective without the pepper.

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