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Issue With Falling Asleep


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I've been having this problem with falling asleep. I'll just start to drift off when I get hit with horrible nausea and my heart rate increases rapidly. It happened 4 or 5 times last night before I completely fell asleep but every time I get the nausea, it startles me awake. This happens almost every night. I haven't found a trigger. I usually lay in bed for about an hour reading before falling asleep so I don't think it has to do with my position. It's annoying and frustrating. Anyone else have this happen and know what causes it?

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Every night. My mom always says how can I still have insomnia when I'm on 5 tablets of melatonin but I can't sleep because of the nausea- it's not that I'm not tired. That's exactly what happens- I get jolted awake by it. Sadly, I haven't found anything that helps consistently. Sometimes taking a phnergan or having Ginger tea will help but there are at least two nights a month of being up all night. The times that I have gone to the ER has been because of this because if they don't give me something I won't be able to sleep- I went three days once. I'm so sorry you're going through it too. It's the worst. :( I hope you feel better tonight!!!

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The only thing that has really helped me get any sleep is ambiem. I also have a bucket next to my bed. It just makes me feel better. I don't know what the cause is. I usually don't vomit in bed ( but I have super gross)! Moving around when I am feeling sick makes me sicker. Ambiem ( not sure how to spell it ) does not help with any actual symptom, it just knocks me out enough that I am able to get some rest. Sorry you have this. I have even lost my vision while reading in bed - not moving. My heart rate increases at night seem to go with night sweating.

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This happened to me all the time; I had insomnia for years until I had a sleep study to check for apnea. I take clonazepam at night and now have a Cpap machine that helps me breathe better. If I really need it, I will take an Ambien, too. Now with a Beta Blocker, my heart rate is more regulated, and doesn't wake me up as frequently, either, which has also helped a great deal!! All of these things have saved me :)

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I've had 2 sleep studies--different years, different labs, different docs. Both showed the same, I do not get into the deep stage of sleep, I get very little REM sleep, and I have hypersomnia, excessive daytime drowsiness. Ambien made me sleep walk/talk/eat (before those side effects were made more public). It also got me to sleep quickly but it was like somebody turned a light switch on around 2 a.m. I tried Lunesta/Sonata with similar--got me to sleep quickly but awake really early in morning not able to get back to sleep. I have been on Temazepam for years. It sometimes doesn't get me to sleep at all (but usually induces some drowsiness--timing and regular scheduled bedtime helps most for efficacy). I give myself til 1 or 2 a.m. and if no sleep by then, I take Tylenol p.m. The combination and fatigue seems to help me (NOT ENDORSING any product, just sharing my experience). My first test was about a decade ago. The sleep doctor said my sleep pattern was one commonly seen in fibromyalgia (I hadn't shared with him that I had that). He was big on Melatonin which did absolutely nothing for me, no matter how much I took. The rheume Rx'd sleep aid for me--told me it was a must have. That being said, when I see the cardiac specialist for dysautonomia they always ask about my sleep (so it may be an ANS thing as well).

I, too, have had bouts of severe nausea as I climb into bed. My BP usually runs lower at night (and my Midodrine has worn off by bedtime). I haven't figured things out, either. I take ranitidine at bedtime. My cardiac specialist in dysautonomia suggested a gall bladder emptying study, explaining that although my CT scan/ultrasounds have been normal (except for fatty pancreas and fatty cysts on liver) the gall bladder may not be functioning properly. I posted a question about this test and someone replied that her GI explained that ANS can reek havoc on the gall bladder too (something that gall bladder removal may not necessarily improve the symptoms sufficient enough to undergo the risks of surgical removal).

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I haven't had a sleep study and don't take anything to sleep. I'm seeing my neurologist next month so I will definitely write this down to ask.

Puppylove, I've also stayed awake for days because I couldn't sleep. I usually stay up until I can't anymore which usually ends up to be about 4am and then have to get up at 6:30. It's so draining. I've taken Ambien before my pots was severe and I could sleep for days and wake up so groggy. Tylenol pm does the same thing.

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