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Weird Chest Symptoms:


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Hi, everyone. I get so excited when my account works and I can post, especially when I'm really worried about something that's going on with me.

Has anyone ever had this happen? You're fine, then you start feeling not quite right, then your chest tightens, like you're experiencing a spasm in your chest, then your arms (both of them) start to feel weak, your hands sweat, your heart may speed up, you panic, then it all calms down but leaves your arms sore and possibly your chest muscles?

I've done this a few times and can't figure out what in the world it is. I've had my heart just recently worked up, with blood, EKG, echo and walking stress with injection, and both my home heart doctor and the heart docs at OSU Medical Center said my heart is in good shape. I wouldn't think a heart attack would go away within minutes, but I don't know. I don't get breathless during these episodes, nor does my chest actually hurt. I just feel like it's in a grip of some sort, and it goes down both arms, leaving weakness for a bit, then achiness.

If anyone experiences this and knows what it is, please let me know. I'm starting to become pretty concerned. I have Addison's, and my Hydrocortisone level is probably a bit too low right now to control my condition, so maybe I'm having adrenaline rushes?

Thanks for reading this and for any experiences you share.


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Hi! Yes, this happens to me too. Only in the shower for some reason. So I guess it could be from blood vessels constricting? I don't really know, but your not alone with this symptom! :)

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It sounds like your BP is dropping so your chest is constricting to push blood up to your head. Do you also feel dizzy when it happens? Next time it is happening try taking your BP if you can, although it might read okay if you are having an adrenaline response to increase your bp.... just a thought!

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Yes - sorry you get this. There are a couple of current posts about hest pressure and chest pain. No doctor has told me what causes it but lots of potsies get it. You are not alone. Let me know if you find out what it is.

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