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Does Anyone Else Have Constant Tinnitis (Ear Ringing)?


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Yes, it's pretty pronounced for me when I'm in a quiet room as well, and there are times when it's pretty loud even in a room with noise, though that's not very often. Do you have other ear problems? I've had sinus problems almost all my life and have the feeling of fluid in my ears, and all of this started with vertigo for me, so I've often thought there's some ear issues going on as well, but my ENT didn't really find anything big on all my tests. I also get a rushing sound in my ears when I first wake up and move in the morning. One doctor told me this is a type of tinnitus as well, though its very different than the ringing/buzzing I have otherwise.

Sorry you have this--mine isn't usually loud enough to be too annoying but I know for others it can be an extreme pain!

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I have had the rushing kind and popping, only when it is really bad...always had sinus issues, have a deviated septum, and supposedly had Vestibular neuritis, but am negative for Meniere's. I had horrible debilitating vertigo, only twice, with vomiting, bedridden; couldn't walk, but I am dizzy all the time. My clonazepam has helped with my dizziness, though, and I'm much better. Still have nausea, though, because of the dizziness and GI issues, too.

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You know, i have had this on and off for a while, but i never really 'took notice' to it.... i think because the ringing sometimes seems not to be a true ringing in the ear, but something of that sort.... and it actually happens daily, but a few times a day. I never put it together with our diseases until recently.

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Thanks you guys...and for the forum post, too...just wondering who it effects. Nothing is going on with my inner ear, as they first expected I had Vestibular Neuritis, but after two major bouts with vertigo, I was also tested for Meniere's, so it is just Autonomic Vertigo according to my ENT, Dr. Pappas Jr., who wrote a thesis on it:o)

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I had POTS symptoms for 15 years with no tinnitus, then one day unilateral (one ear) tinnitus episodes began so I had an MRI to rule out an acoustic nerve tumor on that side, which was negative. After a couple years it became bilateral but still was only once in awhile - - most notable after a busy day when I was laying in bed and the house was quiet. Then, like Anaphylaxing, I developed a near constant bilateral tinnitus that fluctuates in loudness about the time I had my anaphylaxic episode and started showing mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) symptoms (several months ago and it hasn't abated much).

People with sinus problems can have transient tinnitus when they have fluid in their ears (or negative middle ear pressure - - like when you can't "pop" your ears), and people with Meniere's can also have tinnitus (although with Meniere's it is most commonly described as a lower frequency buzz or hum or like bacon frying), and it can be caused by certain ototoxic drugs, but the most common reason is loud noise exposure damaging the inner ear (and medication or noise induced tinnitus is most commonly described as a higher-pitched ringing or sometimes a 'static' sound or white noise).

I think mine is not due to any of the above, but rather due to the POTS (and/or MCAS) - - my tinnitus definitely gets louder when my blood pressure and pulse are off, or when I'm feeling worse. I can usually tune it out but sometimes it really bothers me. If it bothers me at night I put a fan on in my bedroom to help block the noise out. In any case, since we have tinnitus now, for whatever reason, it is important to make sure our ears aren't exposed to very loud noises because then the tinnitus could get worse (loud noise includes gas-powered lawn mowers or power tools, and it is recommended that earplugs be worn when using machinery like this).

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I only get it when I'm getting near syncope for the most part- then its deafening and I could not anything else no matter what it is. And it's always both ears and my whole head it seems. Then at random times I get it in my left ear, for no apparent reason, and it will last several hours. That happens a couple times a week

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Thanks for all the posts...Mine is bilateral and constant...I've gotten used to it, and the hum to my Cpap, drowns it out at night, but as I write this, it's my constant companion. I guess I'll just have to "Sing a new song" during the day, or maybe buy a new song bird!! Now that's an idea. :rolleyes:

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I haven't had quite the same experience, but I thought I would share mine just in case...A number of years ago I had ringing in both ears for a number of months. My ears were also very sensitive to noise during this time. I went to the doctor a bunch of times, but the only thing they could suggest was giving me anti-anxiety meds so I wouldn't go crazy from the ringing.

I don't know why I decided to try this, but I finally wore earplugs (the orange foam kind) for about a week straight. I think I probably did this because I had gotten so sensitive to noise. Anyway, it worked!! Who knows why--maybe something in my ears got to rest or something.

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