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Gastro Question


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I had an upper endoscopy and colonoscopy done to try and find out what the heck is maiking it so freakin hard to go to the bathroom without having to buy stock in myralax...he he ... the only thing that they found was my throat is erroded by acid which i had no clue of.... thought that part was fine... but my question is why and what is going on in there?Anyone else have issues with this and what helps?

thanks, kim

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I don't know if you are on any nausea medications but my doctor told me recently that they can cause constipation. By nausea meds I mean prescription ones- I'm on zofran and phenergan. Also, I was on magnesium and my cardio said that could cause it too.

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Can't help you, I think we should own Miralax by now. Without it my son can go up to two weeks without a movement. He has been constipated since he was 3 years old. Even on Miralax, it can be 5 days without movement.

Doctors just tell me to give him Miralax daily(double dose) and they don't seem concerned about it.

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True- Mack was severely constipated his whole life- turned out to be a dairy allergy. Once he stopped dairy; he was normal again :) .

Same thing happened to me around age 40. I take 3 doses of Miralax a day now, plus 500mg magnesium. I WISH I was allergic to something :blink: Most likely a neuropathy, secondary to my dysautonomia. It's pretty common for many of us.

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Sounds like classic IBS-C. Physically there is nothing wrong but functionally your smooth muscle peristalsis is chaotic and causes stool to stay in colon longer. This only makes constipation worse b/c the longer stool sits in colon, the more water is absorbed from it so it can become hard (although isn't necessary to be considered constipation). Just a thought...

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i have been allergic to dairy my whole life so i stay far far away from that. I have to take 3+ doses of myralax a day to get movement in about 3-4 days... i dont take any nausia meds. just for regular pots symptomes, midodrine seems to slow my gi tract down more.... i lose weight too quickly to stop eating things high in carbs ....thank you all

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I usually have the opposite problem :blink: But there are periods where I am bound up, too...I swear by Flax seed oil. It definitely helps with digestive issues all around, and I believe it is because it acts as an anti inflammatory, and it's an oil, too. Remember years ago grandmothers used to give castor oil for constipation?! Diet helps with this as well. You need to increase roughage in your diet; fruit with skins, spinach, salad, dried fruits, lots of liquids and licorice is really good for this, too! Ginger in capsule form is good for nausea, btw. Phenergan just puts me to sleep. ^_^

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i looove my veggies and fruits! dont care for meats, whole grain and mostly organic. I will try the flack seed oil. i add the seeds to my smoothies and muffins. tried casteriol hard to keep down and caused horrible pain. more so than the regular laxitives. myralax has been my best friend for a couple of years now. but I am having to incease my doseage of it all the time.

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