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Doing The Day To Day Stuff


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I am working very hard to learn to live in this new "normal" but I am having the hardest time keeping up with day to day things like paying bills and keeping the kids school work stuff together. I have just about worked out the household chores. Things that you can see like making the bed and doing the dishes (Ok well sometimes it just doesn't get done) but I am having a hard time focusing on the paperwork and appointment end of things.

Any suggestions? I just feel like I can't even look at stuff like that sometimes because it hurts my eyes or I get so confused. Maybe if I can get some kind of system in place it will help me manage.

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Hi Ginger,

I have a one of those calendars that are about 3" x 6" that I keep in my purse (it's light weight but has a page for each week). When I am at the docs office, I always schedule my next appt and write it in that calendar so its all in one place and I don't forget to make the appt. I also have as many of my monthly transactions set up to happen electronically as I can so I don't have to lift a finger on them. I have placed a post it note on my bedroom mirror to remind me to make the 2 transactions that I have to do manually each month so I don't forget. I use a pharmacy that does automatic refills and calls me when the refill is ready to pick up (its like a little free reminder service). I keep a pen and small notepad on my coffee table and nightstand so I can write reminders to myself for "to do's" when I think of it or I forget to do them. If I think of anything else I've done to help streamline or remember, I'll let you know.


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I use my iPhone calender - I set alarms that make my phone buzz and remind of everything. I also have an app for taking meds that I love. I also keep a notebook next to me, I have ADD art brain and my head really gets going with to-do lists and ideas and I have to hand write those down constanty.

Also maybe ask for help! Do you have anyone that can act like an assistant while you adjust? I need one of those :)

Take care and good luck!

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One thing my folks did when I was younger (and was superbly likely to forget to do important things) was have a daily checklist on the fridge - "Have you unpacked your bag? Have you eaten your snack? Have you done your homework? Have you practiced your piano?" etc. Perhaps trying something like that, either on a smartphone, computer, or fridge - so you can do a quick daily rundown of "Did I receive any bills today, if so, pay them? Are there any doctor's appointments I need to schedule, or do I have any tomorrow? Did I take my medications today?" That way you don't have to remember day to day what you might have to do, but can quickly scan the list to see if anything needs to be updated.

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Yup to all of the above. I write everything down, sometimes in more than one place, in case I forget to look there! Notes on my calendar, lots of sticky notes, and lists of "things to do" and then check off when done. My memory cannot be trusted. As far as bills, my husband takes care of that - just so hard to focus sometimes.

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My iPhone calendar is my very bestest friend. I use it for so many things- I have problems remembering to eat so I set reminders for that, for meds (I saw Claire said she found a great app for that...I will need to look into finding that!!!!!) I set every appt. from doctor to kid stuff in my calendar (and so many things through sports and schools can just automatically be synced right in so you don't have to even enter them). Plus, it has an option for 2 reminders... so I always set one for one day in advance and set the other for 2 hours in advance in case I forget as happens a lot. So both of those reminders pop up to remind me. I also carry a small notebook with me everywhere to jot things down as needed and then I try to transfer those to an appropriate place at the end of the week (I am mostly bedridden so it isn't like I am out and about so much)... so if I get an email address or something I put it in my contacts and cross it out of my notebook for example.


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I use Google Calendar for my scheduling - it sends me an email every morning (well, every 2am) telling me my schedule for the day. That lets me preview every morning what I have going on that day - it sometimes helps me out quite a lot. If there's nothing on the schedule, it will send an email saying "You have no events scheduled for today" and then I know I can relax!

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