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Experiences With Hacion Please??? Have To Have Dental Work!


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Hi All,

Well I know we all do better without Dental work, but this can't be avoided unfortunately.

Wondering your experiences with Halcion???

I've never used it before but know it's in the class of the Benzo's which is the one class of drug I don't have much reaction too.

I've been told it's probably because of the HyperAdrenergic stuff that the Benzo's just don't hit me hard. All other meds because of Mast Cell stuff hit me like a ton of bricks, I take baby doses of everything.

I take Klonopin everyday which barely takes the edge off all the Adrenaline.

All previous Dentist stuff, last was June 2010, they've had to give me 30MG of Valium just to get near me. That much valium makes me slightly Tipsy and I walk out of the office fine.

Everyone I tell about the 30mg of valium is shocked. Then they become more shocked when I tell them I was awake through my Endoscopy and Colonoscopy because the Versed didn't work.

My GI kept pushing versed until my Blood Pressure was dangerously low. Told me he couldn't give me anymore, I said I was fine as long as I could watch the screen.

Again I was tipsy but remember every detail of the whole thing.

Cocktail before surgery also had to be doubled by the anasthesia doc as I was still wide awake and talking to the nurses when they wheeled me in to the operating room.

So what should I expect from the Halcion.

He presribed it to me to be taken as 3 tablets (0.125mg/each) one hour before appt, and then 1 more tablet when I arrive at the office.

Should I ask for more???

Thanks for any input!!!

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Had it with some gum surgery once and don't remember the surgery at all. It knocked my butt out. My sister in law was with me and she says I was conscious - but I don't remember the whole day. I slept when I got home for almost 20 hours. I thought I had a dream while I was sleeping that I went to the health store to get some Tramel cream to put on my face because I knew there was going to be brusing and I also wanted some ice cream. When I woke up - there was the Tramel. I had gone to the store with my sister in law driving (thank goodness) had purchased the cream and ice cream and had told everyone I saw in there about my surgery and the fact that I need ice cream. LOL Don't remember a thing about the day. Used a credit card to purchase these things. How scarry is that? LOL!!

Did okay with the meds. Except for that and I'm HyperPOTS too. Seems like I did have some naseau issues with it though.


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I just took it the one time for repair to my gum that had receeded too far. I can't use the shots with the epi either - they make me shake all over. But, they just continue to give me more and more of the ones without it. Believe it or not - if the work isn't into the nerve part of the tooth - you don't need it. You won't feel anything real horrible. And, I'm a baby about pain - I've done all my last dental work with nothing.

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Thanks for the input.

Sue---- I need sedation for the dentist for both reasons.

I never used to have a dental phobia as a child....then I got braces and started to have a problem.

Had to have a bridge about 18 months ago and because of some of the things done and problems since, if I'm not sedated someone is going to accidentally be punched by a flailing fist.

Also need it for the shots. I am very hard to numb completely and they have to start shallow and go deep and do the front and back of my teeth.

Then I need it for the sounds of the equipment and feeling of vibrations.

It's a phobia pure and simple. I'm not a baby about pain, and most medical things don't bother me at all.

I was a vet tech. Then a courier for blood.

I help the girls draw my blood, as I usually get at least 10 tubes and I hold my owe butterfly.

Had a spinal tap unsedated, no problem.

Was wide awake for my entire Endoscopy and Colonoscopy, no problem.

Just my mouth I have an issue with.

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I have such a phobia about the dentist that I refuse to have work done without nitrous oxide. Then they have this newer system of numbing my gums with a syringe and they put the new medication around each tooth I need work on. No shots. I need to have some work done, still, but I'm having the hardest time finding a new dentist that I like and trust. Our old dentist retired...so at least you can be thankful that you have a good dentist! ; - )

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Unfortuneately this is a brand new dentist for me........Endodontist actually.

My normal Dentist retired in December, but she recomended this Endodontist.

I really wanted the oral surgeon I've seen to treat me as he knows more about Dysautonomia than any of my Doctors, but he won't do anything because he thinks it's Neuralgia from SFN.

Doing nothing is not an option at this point, so I'm putting the tiny bit of trust I have on this Endodontist.

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