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Ugh. I Definitely Overdid It


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This summer when I was doing better I was able to walk around a lake near my house with my friends. I have been walking lately so I thought I would be fine. I was also feeling pretty good today. Well it's a loop and up to the halfway point I was doing fine. Then I started to get dizzy but I couldn't go home or anything because I was in the woods. I took a break and kept walking. I got incredibly weak and nauseous and was almost throwing up by the time I made my way to my mom's car. I was with my family and some friends so if anything really bad did happen they could have helped me. I am still feeling very weak now and was wondering what else I should do besides rest to help myself recover? Also, what other exercises are easier on us than walking?

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Yes I've heard that recumbent biking or and NON-STANDING exercise is a good way to start to get into exercise. I also try walking but can get pretty breathless at times. Also resistance/leg weights if approved by your doctor. Swimming also helps some.

I don't have a bike but I'm going to check online for some sort of foot peddle or something that would be cheaper than a whole bike.

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