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People Who Think We're Exaggerating Our Symptoms


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Thanks again for all the replies here. I'm feeling much better about this now .. Hope you are too.

Hi maggie,

I'm about to get even closer to my family too. I foresee an enlightening in their futures .. Lol

My problem is that I was diagnosed by a cfs specialist who didn't bother to explain exactly

was cfs is. The cdc has really screwed this up too. I started looking at cfs and how our bodies

work on the web back in 2005, but without any medical background and my illness, my education

has been slow.

So, my family sees me as picking different diagnosises off the web and claiming to have these. Smack ..

Meanwhile, I have to explain that my cfs specialist tested and diagnosed me with these conditions

20 years ago, I just had no idea what he was doing. For example, I failed the rhomberg but I didn't

know that meant I had ataxia. I failed the poor man.s tilt table test but didn't understand that either. I have

chronic hypoglycemia from hyperinsulinemia ..

And the list goes on and on ...

My doctors know what I'm trying to do and seem to respect my tenacity but I'm sure I drive them

buggy at times too. : )

sorry for the book .. Have a good thanksgiving ... Tc .. D

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thanks dizzy, you know this forum and website have given me so much in all those years, that i'm very happy to now be able to do something in return. if it wasn't for all the members we wouldn't have been where we are now. so much knowledge is shared and so many stories. big thanks to all our members for participating!

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Hi Sue

Your life could be the parallel of mine.....reading your story about how your family treats your illness made me cry because its exactly how my family has dealt with mine. Luckily my DH and his family have been great! I have stopped trying to get comfort my family and instead take it from the ones who honestly want to give it! It makes me very sad and bitter that things are that way but for whatever reason thats how my family is...unless its cancer or something they have heard of its not a genuine illness despite all the specialists and confirmed diagnoses.......it hasn't made one difference in how my family looks at it and probably never will.....and frankly I am done caring what they think!


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