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Who All Has Ruled Out Psych Issues?


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Hi lieze,

I know this is hard, but try not to worry about this. They sent me to a psych too long after I had

proof of dysautonomia, lesions on my brain, positive elevated viral titers, etc etc etc ...

I don't know why they do this but the one I saw was very nice. Just have your diagnosises

well documented. Anyone doctor can do a poor man's tilt table test in their office. I'm

not sure what your symotoms are but you want to make sure that they're tested for.

for example .. my bp drops 20 pts within 3 minutes but I didn't realize my heart rare was jumping

up 30pts after 10 minutes until I tested myself this year.

Tc .. D

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It was actually a psychiatrist that got my diagnostic ball rolling. My primary doc told me that he would not do any further testing without a full psych evaluation (he's not my primary doc anymore.) At the psych appointment, the doc looked at my chart and told me that "you can't make your body do this!" and then made me an appointment with his neurologist. I wouldn't worry either. Just have all your labs with you and be totally open about any anxiety issues they might bring up. My body had anxiety symptoms, but my emotions sure didn't. POTS is more recognized now, but keep us posted how things turn out!

Good luck!

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Yep I had a really positive experience with my psych evaluation too. At first I was really angry about it because several doctors had refused to see me anymore claiming that my symptoms must be psychological. But when one finally organised a psych exam to look into that option it was a huge relief to be told that no they weren't psychological and it meant that the doctors took it much more seriously.

As to what questions I was asked. The psych sat with me for a half hour to an hour and talked about the symptoms I was having, how I felt about them, asked me about how I handled anxiety and difficult situations and just a bit in general about my life.

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same as everyone above...my psych was the only one who tried to help because she knew it wasnt in my head!! After a year I started seeing her to help with coping mechanisms and she said on the the first appt she knew it was something physical.....weirdly enough she had a c-section 2 yrs ago and is now having similar symptoms to me!


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I also had to a psychiatrist to get on SSDI. He asked me questions about how I was dealing with my illness. He was nice. He doesn't work for SS, so he has no pressure to try to deny you benefits. A person can actually get SSDI for depression, so it wouldn't be the end of the world if the doc found you to have some depression. And who with a chronic illness doesn't feel depressed sometimes? Just relax, and be honest.

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