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Will Mestinon Help With The All Day Anxiety & Does The Midrodine Help With The Head Stuff ?


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Starting both meds on Tuesday. Not sure of the dosing yet until I meet with Dr.

I know I have Parasympathetic excess from previous testing.

Hard to believe these meds would get take care of the way my head feels all swollen and positional neuro stuff.

The way I understand it, the Mestinon will bring down the Parasympathetic and the Sympathetic will follow.

The Midronine will restore better blood flow all around including the Brain.

Just scared b/c I see so many here already on these meds and no better.

Beta blocker slow my Heart Rate, but don't touch this anxiety, nor do Benzo meds like Xanax, Ativan, etc.

I so hope these meds bring me some relief.

Dr. says relief can come quick in 1-3 days. This would be a miracle.... Sorry, just having OCD type behavior as Tuesday is nearing and it's "Judgement Day" for me kind of.


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I understand your trepidation.

I had the same type of relentless thoughts prior to my cardiac ablation and my iron treatment.

Something about this "thing" I have whether it is POTS or whatever seemed to intensify that in me at an unbelievable level to the point where I become totally illogical.

I was convinced on both these incidents that the results would be fatal or damaging. I have basically avoided things for that reason-there were just certain things I knew I could not avoid so I entered into them with both a horrible terror level of fear ( unnecessary ) and also incredible hope that if I did live through it I would be restored to my previous health.

Well for me I saw improvement but not a miracle.

I hope as I get more experience I regain some confidence and let go of the fear and worry.

I long to feel comfortable in my own skin again.

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just a for your info: when you're already having stomach problems you might want to ask your doctor to prescribe a stomach protector as mestinon can be hard on your stomach. with a stomach protector i could easily tolerate this med.

try to relax and take things one day at a time!

take care,

corina :)

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Thank you everyone. You are all 100% correct about reading and looking for so many answer re: the meds before I even take them.

This Anxiety that I have is relentless. I clench my teeth so hard at night, I sleep great it seems, but I never wake refreshed. My Anxiety is going full throttle before I open my eyes. Must have something to do with Cortisol being high in the a.m., but I can do Nothing and have been paralyzed for a few years now as no Psychiatrist could help me, nor could they tell me what was wrong with me.

The weird part was that I didn't have head symptoms or POTS in the beginning, just plugged into an electrical outlet sensation.

Tomorrow is D-day, so I will try and just try and Relax even though that word left my vocabulary when all of this started.

Thank you everyone again thus far for all of your support...

Might need some new teeth when this is all over or calmed down... Dentist says he has never seen teeth ground down like mine are.


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Steven- the anxiety is something that is not your fault. It just comes with this. It's at a level of peel me off the ceiling vibrate the whole couch shaking out of control.

I still shake uncontrollably when I get my IV iron even though it is helping and my teeth chatter.

I think my body physically reacts to it because I

try with all my might to relax and accept-ugh!!!

It literally takes me hours of staring at a wall with no noise no interruptions to regroup and

calm myself down at times and when my body was like yours that wasn't even possible.

Time made the difference for me and I find

distraction helps. Although it's very hard to concentrate if you can even get 10 minute blocks of peace go for it.

Then start trying to increase that time.

I'm now trying to practice this while being active.

To try to consciously relax my body.

And it just isn't normal-we should be able to get up and do and not think twice about it.

I felt very alone and just puzzled when I went through what you are going through so I understand. I think it's a normal response.

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caroline, i've had an infection of the stomach some years ago which needed loads of (different) antibiotics to get rid off. after that my doc prescribes something like pantoprazol which reduces the production of acid when i'm on a med that is hard on the stomach to prevend another infection. i could tolerate the mestinon very well while on pantoprazol (i'm in the netherlands and think it's a brand name so not sure what it could be called in the us/uk or any where else).

hope this helps,


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