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For Those With Chemical Sensitivities


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Okay well I found one I'm going to try-they offer 90 day money back guarantee and filters can be switched for various things.

The brand I purchased was rabbit air and it should reach me on Wednesday.

I certainly didn't need another expense but we just got possession of our new home today and the air in the house is horrible!!!

Pet and I don't know what else I'm breathing in.

I know I had to try to calm myself to not go into panic. I coughed my son with similar issues sneezed.

I did adjust but it still wasn't pleasant.

I felt my sinuses swelling and ended up with a headache.

The house has sat empty for the last two months so maybe if we can get some fresh air in too it will help?

I also don't know what types of cleaning products they could have used that might be lingering in the air.

That shower cleaning stuff about paralyzes me.

Still interested to hear what types of air filters anyone uses in case this one doesn't "get it".

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Hi Lieze,

We recently moved into a home where the previous owners had bad allergies, and they (now we) have a Trane air cleaner called "Clean Effects." It's absolutely wonderful. We hardly even get dust on our furniture anymore, and the air seems great and works on most smells and allergens. I just went and looked, and it appears that they had this system added to the heater/cooling device in our garage. I love it.

Hope you find one that works for you!

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Hi Lieze,

I have one from the Smarter Image. Its an older model that they don't sell ay more but their newer models are similar. I will say that it will only cover one room, so you would need more than one to deal with the whole house.

ALso, was thinking of you on Friday. My house (which I am not staying at due to POTS but hope to go back soon) is my grandmother's old house. She never had the HVAC vents/ducts cleaned. I just had to have a new furnace and AC put in cause a storm blew the old system out. SO, I decided to have the duct work cleaned (not really good for my wallet but I figure it would probably help my health.) My house didn't seem musty, mildewy, moldy, or even unreasonably dusty. OMG! When they took the vent covers off there was gross amounts of dust and mold (not black mold, but greenish/grayish dusty mold) all in there. I went ahead a forked over the extra $ to have them spray moldicide into the system as they said that it would come right back if left untreated. The moldicide actually made me feel worse but that was because it was strong at first. That settled down and I was coming back to Mom's anyway. But I thought of you and wondered if you have considered having the ductwork cleaned if this is not a new construction home.

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Oh my I'm so sorry to hear about that-what a mess! Glad you found it though and they were able to take care of it.

Well our ductwork on the new place is the unknown-it's geothermal cooling and heating and so far we don't know anything about it or where the unit even is.

We went over again a bit for today and the air seemed much better.

I think there is hope.

My mom picked up on whatever it was too.

She thought it was mostly pet dander and we were finding pet hair quite a few places.

We opened windows to let fresh air in and ran the ceiling fan.

I didn't really even react today so my fingers are crossed.

I'm still gonna try out the Hepa unit when it comes though...

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If you are finding pet hair, I would also recommend vacuuming (or having someone else vacuum!) with a high efficiency hepa vacuum. Where there is hair, there is dander. I have a cat myself, and for me the companionship, humor, and love she provides offsets the allergens for me. But my pet allergies are no where near as bad as my chemical sensitivities, and Polly is well worth it!


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