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So Was This An 'episode'?


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I know I've seen references about episodes and attacks, but I've never really understood what people were talking about. I'm pretty predictable with my symptoms, even if sometimes they're a bit worse than others. With the exception of standing up/for too long, they don't generally come on suddenly.

But last night I was in my room lying down, complaining to myself about how hot it was (75ish lol) and debating the practicality of closing up the windows and putting the air back on or finding another fan, when I suddenly just felt horrible. Extremely nauseous and so, so hot. My arms and legs shook when I lifted them and all I could think about was getting someplace cold. I'm not even sure what my heart was doing, I was so preoccupied.

It actually felt like my ttt, right at the point where my bp bottomed out, just before they put me back down. Like I was about to pass out. But I was already lying down, so I really didn't know what to do.

I made it down to the basement and dropped myself on the cold leather couch. It's always about 60-63 degrees down there, and after 10 or so minutes of just soaking in the cold, the shaking stopped. It took another hour or so for me to feel okay enough to get a glass of ice water from the kitchen, and I ended up just spending the night on the couch because I felt so much better downstairs.

Nothing like that has ever happened to me before. And it wasn't even that hot.

Does this sound familiar to anyone - I'm guessing it's POTS related? Could it just have been a kind of fluke, or is it likely I'll be having more of these (just based on your own knowledge/experience - obviously everyone's different. :) )?

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Hi Libby!

So sorry to hear about your scary episode....if it makes you feel any better I have episodes as you described frequently....I just keep telling myself "it will pass" as it happens....I hate them too especially when they happen at night but at least now I know they are just part of the POTS :) take care


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That sounds like an "episode" to me. There is a lot of variance in symptoms, some of us do better than others, or have different symptoms. But sensitivity to temperature, and not being able to compensate for it, is something you will see a lot of us describe. So sorry you aren't feeling well, hope you mend soon!


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libby~ that could definitely describe some of my episodes.... especially the ones im having here lately, i actually think i have had many here lately just about like what you described. One thing I have figured out about DYS for me is that for one: I have either new symptoms or a change in either the way the symptoms feel or how severe they get.... at first for many months, i had no idea what was going on.... but now, I know that my symptoms are somewhat ever changing and it seems every 3 weeks a new symptom or a new cluster of symptoms pop up out of nowhere. In this area, i can handle them ok and i know to expect them (i never know when they are gonna come though) but sometimes they do throw me for a loop when i am not understanding what is going on. Im usually symptomatic 24/7.... it's a constant fight.

But yea, sounds like one of my episodes.... may sound weird... but i have been able to distinctly identify several types of episodes for me.... ugh.

hope you feel better :)


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