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A question to all of the POTS moms


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I'm 38 weeks pregnant and I am SO tired. I know that it is normal to be tired, but I sleep for 10 hours and then take naps during the day. I am just trying to figure out if this is a normal pregnancy thing or if it is POTS related. I haven't been feeling that great for a few days now, but my bp and hr are normal. I am having extreme brain fog. Up until now I have been doing well. Just the normal pregnancy stuff. Maybe I am just nervous about labor. Still, I was wondering if anyone else experienced this while pregnant.

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Congratulations on being in the homestretch. I am so glad that your pregnancy has been so trouble-free.

I was also VERY VERY tired those last two weeks (and actually my daughter was a bit late). I think being tired the last couple of weeks is very normal. However, I was, as you describe, extremely tired and also sleeping 10 hours a day or more! I do believe that this late pregnancy excessive exhaustion was POTS-related for me. If you need to sleep, just sleep. I think your body knows what it needs. The rest is good for your baby too. You have very busy days and nights ahead, so give yourself extra care now. Also try to keep eating as well/healthily as possible.

Take care,


PS My blood pressure did spike up very suddenly in the last few days of my pregnancy, which is why I was induced at 2 days late. Hopefully, your doctor is checking you pretty regularly now. I think many of us with POTS developed high bp towards the end of our pregnancies. Not anything to be worried about as long as you are getting regular checks, you are going to be absolutely fine.

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My BP didn't spike but OH I was SO TIRED!! I think I only woke up to eat the last week or so. My son was 4 weeks early but was fine. Yes, I think the extreme tiredness is POTS related, but you need all the rest you can get.

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I could barely sleep at all the last couple weeks of my 4 pregnancies because I couldn't get into a comfortable position so I was definitely tired. I didn't have POTS that I'm aware of during these pregnancies (although I wonder now if I didn't have it with the last because I was on bedrest for unexplained premature labor). You are on the home stretch and should definitley take it easy so you will be rested up for labor. Good luck! Martha

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Congratulations, April!!!

At 17, I've never been pregnant :) , but I have a cousin (she doesn't have POTS) who just had her baby a month ago. In the last several weeks, she was sleeping A LOT!! She was so incredibly exhausted and took naps during the day.

Maybe it's normal to be that tired so close to your due date....?


Kristin :)

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I actually had a ton more energy while pregnant ... I was told it might have something to do with the baby making extra hormones that help boost energy. Maybe the baby is making a hormone that makes you sleepy, who knows? But if you're tired, rest. I'm guessing like most first-time moms, you have everything all ready to go anyway!

I am so glad you made it into the final stretch. I echo Katherine's comment re: being on the lookout for high BP. I am thinking you will be fine, as bad cases usually tend to happen before 38 weeks, but Katherine was in her final weeks and had it ... so just make sure you are getting regular checks, but don't worry either!


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During my first pregnancy I was exhausted at the beginning and then again starting around the 8th month...and yes, those last few weeks can be abosutely draining- I remember talking to one of my friends who described it as feeling "drugged" even though you aren't taking anything. I think what you are experiencing is very normal, so it may or may not be related to POTS. This time...whew, I was pooped for the first 14-15 weeks, but I'm 18 weeks now and feeling SO much better. I am so excited for you, and can't wait to hear the news that your baby girl has arrived :rolleyes: We should be finding out in a few weeks what the gender is of ours- I can't wait!!

Labor is one of many rites of passage into motherhood- please don't be scared, for this is the only pain you'll ever have that will give you such amazing results. I remember being so nervous and jittery towards the end, but my instincts just sort of took over during the labor itself, and afterwards I was so proud that I got through it. Here I am doing it again...can't be that bad, right?! If everything is going well with you, I hope your labor will follow suit. Best of luck, and enjoy these last few weeks as you can feel the baby kicking and moving around in your tummy- soon you will be holding her and these days a distant memory. Savor them, and best of luck...keep us posted!!

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feeling like you have been drugged is a very good way to put it. I feel like I'm on a sedative or something. Very strange. I have a bp monitor at home and have been keeping an eye on it daily in addition to going to the dr once a week. It has acutally been right around 120/80 (my bp is usually 105/65.) Thank you for all of your good thoughts and reassurances.

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That's great you are keeping an eye on your bp at home and seeing the doctor once a week. Keep taking great care of yourself and rest as much as you need to. I can just reiterate that I was also very tired like that the last couple of weeks. All I did was lie around and read, sleep and eat. My daughter put on about a pound per week in that last month, I think. I had a healthy, happy 10 lb girl at the end of it all.

Looking forward to hearing how things go. You'll do great.

Take care,


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