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Seasonal Change Hitting Hard?


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Well, after a few months of being in the bearable range with the fatigue - able to exercise moderately even though I still had to take frequent naps, able to take the dogs for a walk, etc...I feel like I got hit by a brick this past week. Barely able to stay awake more than 3 or 4 hours at a time, pretty much unable to stand for more than a half hour at a time. Still tried to go to my hour long dance class on saturday and was wiped afterwards. Had to sleep in the car in the parking garage for two hours before I could even try to drive home!

Looking back through my journals I noticed that this time last year and two years ago I also had been feeling a bit better, then suddenly felt a lot worse.

We are in full transition to fall here, and our first frosts were last week. I don't think it's the sunshine because I use a light box, but feel like maybe for other reasons my body is having a hard time shifting from summer to fall. Anyone else feel especially and these past couple weeks?

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Yes! I'm having a hard time with the weather changing. Last weekend we were in the 90's and this weekend we're in the 50's and rainy. Whenever we have and abrupt transition from spring to summer or summer to fall I experience more fatigue, muscle pain, burning pain, nausea, etc. The only way I know to endure is to get rest, fluids, salt, and avoid stress. I hope that our bodies start cooperating soon!

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I noticed also that I have good days right before the seasons start changing. I don't do well in heat. Summer was **** on me. The cooler temperatures help. I had 3 good weeks, than wham this past week with the temperatures really dropping, I am feeling horrible. I did notice this weekend with the temperatures slightly back up, I am feeling a little better or it is rest, fluids, salt, etc....doing the trick or my once a month bad week is happening? Guess I will continue to track it ;)

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Any change in weather is havoc for my health. Sigh. My best friend from high school suggested moving to San Diego. I pointed out I would be happy to as soon as he buys me and my Mr. a place. :P


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I wonder if sudden and seasonal weather changes bring about stress in most humans, only it is a tolerable and relatively unnoticed amount, but for us, for our extra-sensitive nervous systems, it is enough to push us over the edge for a bit. Or I wonder if some of us have seasonal allergies and the spring and fall allergy period is enough to knock us out

After a week I am back to my normal feel-like-i-have-the-flu self instead of my feel like I got knocked upside the head with a shovel and then force-fed a bunch of valium self.

Unlike most POTSers I am not all that sensitive to heat, but once I get chilled I am shivering and frozen for hours with cold extremities, etc. Of course I also live in MN where chilly can mean 20 below and hot can mean mid-80s....

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The weather change has been really hard on me. I was so encouraged - I had a decent summer and was doing more than I've done in a while - but I have been feeling utterly awful for the last few weeks. I live in England, and the damp cold just kills me (unlike the hardy folk here who run around in 58 degrees in t-shirts and skirts!). My temperature always runs on the low side, and I get chilled so quickly - and then can't warm up for ages (I can lie covered in blankets on a heated blanket with hands, feet and legs like ice).

I know how most of us here are heat-intolerant rather than cold-intolerant. I'm still not sure whether I'm just plain intolerant, and whether I would suffer as much in the heat as I do in the cold. I did spend a month in June at my parents' house in Washington, DC, and actually felt pretty good, so I don't think so.

Sigh - another unanswerable question....

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The weather change has been really hard on me. I was so encouraged - I had a decent summer and was doing more than I've done in a while - but I have been feeling utterly awful for the last few weeks. I live in England, and the damp cold just kills me (unlike the hardy folk here who run around in 58 degrees in t-shirts and skirts!). My temperature always runs on the low side, and I get chilled so quickly - and then can't warm up for ages (I can lie covered in blankets on a heated blanket with hands, feet and legs like ice).

I know how most of us here are heat-intolerant rather than cold-intolerant. I'm still not sure whether I'm just plain intolerant, and whether I would suffer as much in the heat as I do in the cold. I did spend a month in June at my parents' house in Washington, DC, and actually felt pretty good, so I don't think so.

Sigh - another unanswerable question....

I also seem to do worse in the cold than the heat. For years before diagnosis my husband always made fun of me for always being cold. Always covered in blankets. He'd always joke..."you need to see a dr..there's something wrong with you" I just always thought I was just cold. HMM guess there was something wrong with me. I'm not faring so well in this season change either. The last week or so has been hard.


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I have a very narrow window of heat/cold intolerance. If I could find a place where it's between 70 to 80 degrees with low humidity all year long, I'd be set. AZ is not the place to live when so much of the year is incredibly hot! I can't stay out in the heat, and when I get chilled, like targs66 wrote, it takes me forever to get warm again.

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