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Lesions On Brain Mri?


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I was told that I have "probable" ms, that is affecting my nervous system, but I'm just wondering if anyone else has any brain lesions that

werent diagnosed as having ms,and have Dysautonomia ?

They need to do a lot more testing then MRI with one lesion to call it MS. I was just reading about that a few days ago. I would try for a second opinion if you feel they are wrong. But you can also have both MS and Dysautonomia together and its not uncommon.

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I was told that I have "probable" ms, that is affecting my nervous system, but I'm just wondering if anyone else has any brain lesions that

werent diagnosed as having ms,and have Dysautonomia ?

They need to do a lot more testing then MRI with one lesion to call it MS. I was just reading about that a few days ago. I would try for a second opinion if you feel they are wrong. But you can also have both MS and Dysautonomia together and its not uncommon.

I have one on my cspine and a bunch of little ones on my brain.

but my low bp started months before any lesions so I wasnt sure if low bp itself could cause them or not

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why don't you search ms and pots you will come up with a few studies. I think if you search even these forms for ms you will find a few conversations. I know for a fact that a lot of ms sufferers also have dysautonomia, but I really don't know if blood pressure can cause the lesion by itself. sorry I can't be of more help, good luck.

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I have lesions too. I know at one time my BP was extremely low. I have always wondered if that was the cause. Or when I hit my head on the windshield in a head on collison. My neurologist seems to think they are caused from migraines. Heck, maybe I was born with them. Who Know. My brother is an x ray technician, and sees lesions frequently. He said lots of people have them.

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Pretty much everyone gets 'white spots' or lesions in their brain as they age. It's a natural part of aging. I know that when I had an MRI it showed an abnormal amount of 'white ischemic matter' (lesions) in my brain, but there was no big concern about them. One of the larger spots seemed to be from an ischemic stroke that occurred at some point earlier in my life. Now that I have my pacemaker for bradycardia, I can no longer have an MRI done, and wish I could. I have to settle for CT scans, which shows the same kind of situation.

To diagnose for MS, your doctor has to confirm 5 points that are the hallmarks of the disease (just like fibromyalgia). So, if you have the white matter, you have to also have these 5 points to have an MS diagnosis. I'm sure you could find these on the internet if you wanted to. I think it might make you feel better.

Good luck, and let us know what you find out!

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I have lesions on my brain. When they first saw them, the doctors told me I most likely had MS and even gave me prednosone IV. I then had a spinal tap which didn't support the diagnosis. I was told by the doctors that lots of people have lesions and never have a neurological problem. I wish I didn't know I had lesions on my brain.

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