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I believe it is somehow related to our medical condition. I have always been a nightmare sufferer, as well as a very vivid dreamer. I've always thought this was abnormal. I had a sleep study done and it showed reduced deep sleep, whatever that means. The Dr. never bothered to follow up with recommendations, but I would imagine the only treatment is sleeping pills?

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thankful.... do you think never getting into the deep sleep phase indicates something bad like a medical condition or anything? i'll ask next time i have an appointment. I haven't slept well for a little over two years now. At first I blamed it on being pregnant and uncomfortable and all that, THEN there was the newborn and baby and now he is 15 months and finally beginning to sleep most nights but me on the other hand, i wake up a lot and still can't seem to get a good nights rest. I wonder if my body has become accustomed to the waking up every few hours or what and in addition, those dreams/nightmares that have increased for me as well.

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I am a psychotherapist--or was before i got sick--so i dont believe all nightmares have physiological causes. Possibly your psyche is expressing deep concerns about your illness. Try talking with a good wise friend about what your nightmares might be trying to tell you. Often nightmares have surprisingly positive advice to give us. Cheaper than a sleep lab.

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Dreams actually take place during "rapid eye movement" sleep and not during deep sleep. Try keeping a dream journal to help you get the messages of your nightmares.. I recommend alan siegel' s book Dreams That Can Change Your Life, which has a good section on crisis dreams. Siegel appeared on national tv to discuss people' dreams after 9-11. --Caroline

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It also depends on what Meds you are taking....On some of the warnings or if you look on internet one of side effects might be Nightmares or 'lucid dreaming' ;o) When I first started my Beta-Blockers I had some weird ones but they have calmed down a wee bit.

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Misstraci, Sorry I meant to say that it could be beneficial to get a sleep STUDY (not sleep disorder :huh: ). This might be worth talking with your doctor about. There are folks with dysautonomia who have sleep disorders. I also feel chronically tired and feel that I dream a lot, but my sleep study showed that I was sleeping fairly normally.

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thankful.... haha, i knew what you meant!! :) way before POTS diagnosis my cardiologist suggested I get a sleep study but i never did because I thought how could a sleep disorder be causing all these awful feelings that i feel during the day. Well, maybe I'll look into now. thanks

dani..... I'm sorry. It stinks, I know!!! so, did you have dysautonomia prior to pregnancy or did yours develop because of pregnancy?

rockiesgirl.... that is very true about the meds. I always forget that different medicines can help certain things but at the same time cause other things to happen to the body. I'm not currently on any medicines personally, so, I don't know.

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