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Anyone had this problem?


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Hey guy, I know I haven't posted much lately but I have been feeling poorly. It seems like I just can't get back to any type of normalcy. I do have an appt soon with a new doctor. What I want to ask is this.............My exhusband has told me I would be getting orders to come to court soon. He says that he is gonna to make sure the kids are taken away from me because of me passing out. Well ok first of all, he has not gotten over being angry since the divorce, which has been three years, he is still very bitter. He has only supervised visits every other weekend. I know that no judge will give him the kids because of his history. My children are 3 and 13. It is the 3 year old that he wants. This is actually making my symptoms worse. Has anyone got suggestions?



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Guest tearose

Oh no Paige, what a mean, bitter man he is!

I don't have experience with this but wanted to let you know I'm by your side.

My best thoughts on this would be to start looking into a good lawyer and to start documenting everything that you do to be a wonderful mother. Picture being asked what you do when you are ill and weak. Do you have a backup plan that allows you to rest and someone to take care of the three year old? Start getting all your coping mechanisms written up and start getting prepared for the"battle" just don't get fighting mad yet! You need to turn your anger into constructive energy to help yourself now!

Wish I could offer you more...

with support, tearose

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Boy this makes me very upset. First of all I would visit your doctor and get a note from him. Make sure they know that if/when you pass out that you're not down long. Consult with an attorney!

I honestly don't think any court can take your children away because you have a chronic illness. That would be discrimination based on illness. No, 99.9% of me says they can't take your children away from you for this. Furthermore, I would try to keep any extra information about your life away from your ex-jerk husband. My Ex is kind of the same way and I'm positive he'll rot in **** for the way he's been.

I don't know what your financial situation is like but I would probably want an attorney to represent me in court and I would also ask for your attorney to demand lawyer fees from your Ex-husband; the judge might give them to you due to his lame attempt and your situation, that will teach him a lesson!

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Thank you guys for responding. I do have a plan for when I am feeling my worst. My son and I refer to it as the safe zone. We go into his room and I lock the door, I have the cordless phone, a snack and drink for him and he has all his toys. I lay down on his bed. Usually I am not out no longer than a couple of minutes. He has never seemed to suffer any ill effects from this. I know that you all probably do as I do. This illness has interrupted my life in so many ways that I have tried to do so many other things to compensate. I just don't understand why others want to keep knocking you down.


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I am so sorry that you are having all of these difficulties. I cannot imagine many things more stressful that fearing losing custody of your children. I am not an attorney nor do I know what state you reside in, but my sister is an attorney and has dealt with family legal issues like this in her work. On this basis, I agree with what others have said that it is very unlikely that he could win such a battle. You've gotten good advice from the others above. I hope this is just an idle threat that will not go any further, for your sake, and the sake of your children. You definitely don't need such stress.

Take care, Katherine

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I am so sorry that this situation is happening to you. Perhaps your ex knows he will not win but also knows that he is adding stress to your life and maybe that is his goal. I certainly can't know the motives but hope that you take the appropriate steps others have suggested and then try, although it would be incredibly hard, to set aside the issue unless he actually goes forward with the threat. You don't want the stress to so negatively effect you that caring for your kids becomes more difficult. Stress is so difficult for our fragile systems. Don't let him win by making yourself sicker. Best of luck!

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