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Time Of Day For Symptoms

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I was just wondering what time of day each individuals symptoms usually appear? I personally have noticed a lot of posts that mornings are bad for a lot of people. I am bad after 3-4ish usually. Just trying to gauge....

Hope everyone is enjoying a little of spring :)

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I wake up around 7am to a pounding heart and a drunk feeling, until I get the coffee in and this helps a bit. Once I get out of bed in the morning, my heart rate goes through the roof. I assumed this was true for all of us? Mornings are my heart racing, sweaty, feeling hot, adrenaline ridden, but clearer in the head time. As the day goes on I get more fatigued, heart slows down, I get COLD, and my brain gets foggier and foggier. The worst is between 3-6 - I just feel dead. By 8:30/9:00 I'm done and head to bed to lay down for the night. And then go through the whole process all over again the next day. :o When you say you're bad after 3-4, what symptoms are you talking about?

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I wake up around 7am to a pounding heart and a drunk feeling, until I get the coffee in and this helps a bit. Once I get out of bed in the morning, my heart rate goes through the roof. I assumed this was true for all of us? Mornings are my heart racing, sweaty, feeling hot, adrenaline ridden, but clearer in the head time. As the day goes on I get more fatigued, heart slows down, I get COLD, and my brain gets foggier and foggier. The worst is between 3-6 - I just feel dead. By 8:30/9:00 I'm done and head to bed to lay down for the night. And then go through the whole process all over again the next day. :o When you say you're bad after 3-4, what symptoms are you talking about?

I am usually fine in the morning...a little groggy and it takes a little bit to me started. That being said I sometimes wake in the night covered in sweat and difficulty breathing.

The symtoms You are desribing usually start for me between 3-4.....heart racing, actually hurts, freezing cold, sometimes so tired I can't function, everything is foggy including my vision sometimes. As the day wears on they progress & either I take a nap, try to push through it or it remains like this until I take my Meds and go to bed. But this doesn't happen religiously there are those rare days, I feel ok too.

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Ughhh mornings - I hate them lol. Most mornings I feel awful... as soon as I get out of bed I feel I have done a 5 mile run at top speed, tachy, dizziness and breathlessness - that's before I go downstairs. Sometimes just turning over to stop the alarm starts off my symptoms.

By the time I come back up the stairs to wake my son up I am exhausted. I need an hour to get my head together most days but just have to get on with it as my son has autism and needs a lot of attention in the morning - as soon as he leaves I crash!!

Coffee is a must (after my first cup of tea!). I start to feel better. I start to feel bad around 6-7pm when lethergy kicks in. Unfortunatley I am not a good sleeper so by 1am my BP is all over the place, palps and tachy.

How I love those days when I do not feel this way.

What I do not understand is why we get the good days - surely if the brain is not sending the signals to the right places it would be constant? Why are the worst times ie mornings the worst? :blink:

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I am horrible in the mornings, can hardly get down the stairs (we're moving to a new home without stairs in one month - yay!), or think or do anything until I get some coffee and food in me. Then it's time for my pain killers, and by 9-9:30 I'm feeling almost human (I'm up by 4-5 am). It doesn't matter if I nap or not, by 3-4 pm I hit another wall and have to lay down and read until bedtime, 6-7 pm.

Usually, though, my symptoms are around all day, just in different levels of acuteness.

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I used to have the 3-4 AM episodes, but they stopped once I started 20 mg doxepin before bed. I also have really rough mornings, just seem to have to wait it out - if anyone has found any way to improve their AMs, I'd love to hear about it.

If I have to try to function in the mornings I do have a slump around 3:30-4 PM. It leaves me in rough shape when I see my kids off in the mornings and often when they get home, which really frustrates me.

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For the first 18 months my symptoms were consistently at their worst betwen 10am-2pm every day with increased tachy around lunchtime. I was usually quite good first thing in the morning but as the day wore on I started to feel worse and worse.

Now the mornings seem to be worse - often quite tachy. Lunchtimes still aren't great but not as bad as before.

On a bad day I am bad all day until evening.

Evenings/late afternoon are always best time of day for me.

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For the first 18 months my symptoms were consistently at their worst betwen 10am-2pm every day with increased tachy around lunchtime. I was usually quite good first thing in the morning but as the day wore on I started to feel worse and worse.

Now the mornings seem to be worse - often quite tachy. Lunchtimes still aren't great but not as bad as before.

On a bad day I am bad all day until evening.

Evenings/late afternoon are always best time of day for me.

This parallels my own experience. Lunch time dizziness, then you get over the hump and start to improve, peaking (usually) in the evening in terms of how i feel. There are acceptions to this, but this is my usual experience.

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It is the 3-4am episodes for sure. When I first got POTS it was misery all day, now it is the 3-4 am episodes, sometimes in the early morning I feel horrible and sometimes around lunchtime I feel horrible, but nothing as bad as the 3-4am thing :) That's when my BP plummets.

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Guest tearose

I can have symptoms at any time of day but as for the worst..

Mornings are most difficult. I often will have had to get up 2 times or more during the night so I am groggy. My bp is low and I have to be careful not to walk into walls, have svt, will feel cold whatever time of year it is and I am light sensitive first thing in the am. I begin to hydrate, take vitamins, I drink some caffeine and adjust to light and begin to feel better and in balance. I then get dressed and into compression and usually can have a stretch from around 11am till 3pm feeling very well.

Depending on the day, a nap may be needed.

I am okay until early evening and again I need a nap or I must just stop activity and sit down and elevate my legs.

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tinks, when this was really bad I would wake every day at about 3:30 AM with an awful feeling of severe malaise/impending doom (which suggests to me now that this was an anaphylactic-type phenomenon for me). I would have a sensation of falling (I would even be woken from dreams of falling sometimes), then have tachycardia, flushing, sometimes itching and often severe/sudden diarrhea.

Doxepin in MCAD is taken for its antihistamine properties, and it really helped me with this problem.

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