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Xmrv Update- Front Page Wall Street Journal


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Interesting article, Julie. I am not a CFS patient, but my PCP did some viral testing on me late last year. I cam back with positive results for Epstein-Barr and HHV-6, and elevated mycoplasma pneumoniae. But even my Doc acknowledged that they don't really know what that means!


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very interesting thank you.

It seems from the article that the US medical profession - some of them - are quite like the British medical system believing that ME / CFS is a psychogenic / psychiatric illness. I wonder if any of these Dr's have ever been called to a coroners inquests where a patient has died from this psychogenic / psychiatric illness?


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Eventually, I think that POTS will be seen more like diabetes. There is a certain dysfunction, the pancreas in diabetes, who knows what in POTS, that has multiple causes: autoimmune or genetic in type I diabetes and weight induced in type II. The treatments are similar for both, but while one can be controlled through diet and exercise, the other cannot. BOTH types lead to heart and kidney failure eventually and it is usually dependent on the tightness of symptom control.

With POTS and CFS, I believe that we will find that there is a post-viral and a genetic (or epigenetic) type, but that both will have end organ damage if poorly controlled.

We simply don't have the long-term information or studies for POTS and CFS that we have for diabetes. Unfortunately, WE are the guinea pigs and there are very few of us who feel like volunteering! On Research Match.org, there is a very small pool (40 people) of POTS patients.

Edited by firewatcher
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