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Slammed An Ensure By Accident


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Okay well I accidentally drank my ensure too much too fast and had the same effect I get with after food.

Bp went up head rush, palpitations uncomfie feeling.

Vitals were really okay it's just that it makes me feel bad, break out in a sweat, feel as if I will pass out even though vitals are good 107/61 82.

It took about the same time as usual to recover.

I feel at this time on the verge of a panic attack like my head is spinning like I could scream right out loud.

I looked in my bottle and I had accidentally drank 3/4 of it in a short period of time say 10-15 minutes.

It has 350 calories and all those vitamins minerals-I think my system just gets overwhelmed and freaks.

So I'm thinking food just does the same thing.

Maybe I just need to eat less like a bite only or two.

Keep supplementing with the ensure.

See if I can't slowly work myself up to a point where this doesn't happen.

I still feel like there are foods I am having an allergic response to-so my plan would be to avoid those but continue with safe foods.

One food that I had given up on was peas.

I used to love to eat a bowl full of peas.

Last couple times I tried to eat peas I felt bad after.

Well I'm thinking I just need to eat less not stop eating them.

With scrambled egg it does the same thing-but I can eat one or two bites okay.

I hate this I really do.

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I don't think you've had gastric bypass surgery(I don't recall anyone ever mentioning they've had it), but your symptoms are very similar to people that have had it and get "dumping syndrome". Read up on it. I mean, maybe there is something wrong with the signaling of your stomach and intestine, and your food just "dumps" on through too quickly.

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Thanks-okay i looked it up and this sounds like it could be a possibility of what is going on.

I sometimes get a strange feeling that my intestines are unraveling (it's enough to make me think I am just losing my mind)

I have not had the gastric bypass surgery but I may have shrunk my stomach down to nothing by eating less and less over time or something like that?...

I'll try to follow the recommendations to avoid the dumping (diet) suggestions.

It's certainly worth a try.

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In the past I would have jumped right on that and got weepy and thought now I can't even drink ensure.

The ensure is actually making a huge difference of how I feel.

I've been drinking about two a day for 4 weeks now.

I need to slowly increase activity now but I can tell I don't have that weak feeling in my chest any more.

My core is feeling stronger I just need to slowly get more active.

I was severely malnourished or that is how it felt.

I just need to drink it slowly.

I made the mistake of being very thirsty and using it to quench my thirst.

Too much too fast and it was a shock to my system.

This is a very slow painful process but if I would continue this pattern for about three months, be able to put on a little weight and increase activity I feel like it might make a difference.

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I agree it could be a dumping syndrome, delayed stomach emptying or some type of gastric problem; Gastroparesis. I have Gastroparesis and can't drink Ensure, Boost or any generic supplements because of the High Fat Content in them. The pain, bloating and discomfort was horrible. I also have Diverticulitis. I worked with a dietician to find a diet right for me. I also purchased the book called, "Calorie Fat & Carbohydrate Counter" by The Calorie King to help with knowing the fat content in foods especially fast foods when I do eat out. I am following a lowfat/low fiber diet with small frequent meals and yogurt smoothies in between. This really helped settle my stomach (no more pain & bloating) by being so much easier to digest along with getting some weight back on. I buy everything low fat or fat free. There is a pretty good choice of foods out there that are low fat or fat free. I also found yogurt supplements; Daminals by Dannon and Stoneyfeld Yogurt Smoothies that I have no problem drinking. Other fluids that I supplement with include (power drinks) Gatorade, V8 Infusion and fruit drinks. I am also taking Domperidone 20mg before meals and at bedtime for the Gatroparesis along with a Probiotic 1 times day. The Domperidone helps with stomach motility and nausea.

Have you had any GI testing or seen a Gastroenterologist? You may want to do some research for dumping syndrome, delayed stomach emptying, etc...You may also want to follow-up with a dietician for a diet right for you. Hope you can find relief soon.

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I too have dumping syndrome. Even water too fast can make me feel that way.

Honestly I don't do anything different, I just eat and know the symptoms will pass in around twenty mins. I usually eat my food lying down so I don't feel as dizzy. Do you have a lot of BMs a day?sorry tmi but once the food enters me IRS pretty much out in one hour

I have no problem keeping weight off either. I don't think my body really processes it.

I am also bloated all the time. Ithink I have had this pre pots because my Mon would get so upset everytime at dinner I would have to use the bathroom right after I started eating. They asked me on numerous occasions if I was bulemic. It does worry me because my mom and uncle had ulverative colitis

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I too have dumping syndrome. Even water too fast can make me feel that way.

Honestly I don't do anything different, I just eat and know the symptoms will pass in around twenty mins. I usually eat my food lying down so I don't feel as dizzy. Do you have a lot of BMs a day?sorry tmi but once the food enters me IRS pretty much out in one hour

I have no problem keeping weight off either. I don't think my body really processes it.

I am also bloated all the time. Ithink I have had this pre pots because my Mon would get so upset everytime at dinner I would have to use the bathroom right after I started eating. They asked me on numerous occasions if I was bulemic. It does worry me because my mom and uncle had ulverative colitis

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I agree with

"I can't tolerate any of the ensure-type drinks because they all have high fructose corn syrup. And corn is one of my worst allergens. Any chance it could be something like that?"

What is the sugar g. content of the ensure? How much protein in g.?

Sugar, corn/HFCS, wheat, milk/diary, and aspartame all make me feel ill.

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