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My Growing Hair Problem-Anyone Else?


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I have had some chin hair for 10 years, 5 years before my POTS hit. But in the last year, it has REALLY ramped up. I have a visible mustache(not like a man's,by any means, but you wouldn't want it), alot more chin hair, and more--because I take quick showers and thus don't shave often, I've grown coarse, long hair down my inside thighs. I know this is all in the "male-pattern" area. I had my testosterone levels checked, and they came back normal :blink: . Neither my mom nor two sisters have this issue, even when all at menopause, so I don't think it is anything that just runs in my family or just a menopausal thing.

I have always looked at it as something unrelated to POTS, but now I just want to make sure it actually is unrelated. So, does anyone else have an evergrowing hair problem?

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I have had some chin hair for 10 years, 5 years before my POTS hit. But in the last year, it has REALLY ramped up. I have a visible mustache(not like a man's,by any means, but you wouldn't want it), alot more chin hair, and more--because I take quick showers and thus don't shave often, I've grown coarse, long hair down my inside thighs. I know this is all in the "male-pattern" area. I had my testosterone levels checked, and they came back normal :blink: . Neither my mom nor two sisters have this issue, even when all at menopause, so I don't think it is anything that just runs in my family or just a menopausal thing.

I have always looked at it as something unrelated to POTS, but now I just want to make sure it actually is unrelated. So, does anyone else have an evergrowing hair problem?

I'm guessing it's probably not a potsie thing- but I could be wrong. I am on the hairier side too, and menopausal. I have always had a few stiff chin hairs, but have found an awesome solution: VANIQUA. You simply remove them- with plucking and then rub a tiny bit of this cream on the area AM & PM. Within a week, they were pretty much GONE for me. I think itt usually takes a few weeks. Great stuff. The bad news is that it all comes back if you stop using the cream. It's pricey, maybe around $50-$75 a tube. But I only use 2 a year. Worth it!

I've always had to shave the top and bottom part of my legs- sigh- such a pain especially in the South when we have 90-100 degree days for so much of the year. Shorts are a MUST for climate control. I have noticed that my leg hair is finer and lessening a bit since menopause- counds like you may be having the opposite experience :(

I also wanted to mention that my face- upper lip and side burn area is covered with hair- luckily it's downy soft and white, BUT I do have to trim it with a good magnifying mirror and cosmetic scissors to keep it under control. I think I read somewhere that thinner women tend to be more hirsute- sort of nature's way of protecting us from the cold???

Re. the hormone testing, there is a wide range of "normal" and my understanding is that it's all about balance. The estrogen, progesterone & testosterone all have to be in a harmonic balance. If one is at the top end of normal with testosterone and bottom end of normal with estrogen- I think more unwanted hair could occur. Get a copy of your results and study them to see what exactly is going on & figure out a way to address it.

Your hairy Sister in Pots :D


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Thanks for your story. I am not thin, by the way. I am about 20 lbs. overweight. So, last year at this time I was 50 lbs. overweight, had the low blood sugar that was being told was related to insulin resistance. So, a year ago the hair could be explained away as either the insulin resistance due to being overweight OR, I guess, syndrome X due to weight, glucose issues. But, now that I've lost the 30 lbs., my glucose is still unstable and my hair growth is worse. So I don't know why it is like this.

Nice to know the Vaniqua works and it doesn't sound too expensive for a year's use. I think I am a little past the plucking phase, and don't want to spend a ton on laser. I wonder if one shave before the Vaniqua would do the trick? I have not shaved before, afraid it would make the hair come in thicker.

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This little pig has to weigh in on the hair on her chinny-chin-chin...

Eeeewwwwww. Yes, I have facial hair. The hair under my chin is long and noticeable. I rip it out regularly. I take HRT and that might be causing it, but I seem to remember it before the hormones. My testosterone is way below normal, even for a woman and my estrogen is low too (thus the HRT.) Glad I'm not alone either. My house is made of laundry baskets full of clothes because bricks are too expensive, straw makes me sneeze and twigs are too drafty... :rolleyes:

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Have you been checked out for Polycsytic ovary syndrome? This causes insulin issues, hair growth on face etc, acne, weight gain etc.

It maybe worth checking out. Also are you on steroids I was on prednisolone for a while a few years back and I grew a handsome blonde moustache on my top lip! And I sprouted a few hairs on my chin. They still haven't gone despite me being off steroids for 2 years.


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Here's another hairy girl! Count me in. I have to rip mine out with wax and go back and pluck the hairs that wouldn't come out with the wax on a every other day to even DAILY basis. It is so embarrassing and annoying.

Mine started when I was put on some drugs for depression, namely Paxil CR and Risperdal. I stopped having a period and sprouted hair on my chin. My local mental health center psychiatrist responded, "Do you have to have a period?" when I questioned her about it. I also gained a LOT of weight. She put me on a diet program.

Of course, now I know that those levels of drugs, for that length of time, in the face of those kinds of side effects was unnecessary. I learned that drugs can be very damaging.

I'm off of those medications now, but the hair, and some of the weight, is still there.

Just thought I would chime in! I'm not sure if the continued hair sprouting in my case is POTS related, but there you go.

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