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To Switch Beta Blocker To A Selective One Or Not?


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I'm currently on 20mg Propranonal 3 times a day. It's really helping me with minimal side effects.

I do get myself in a worry over my allergy problems, though. I know these older Beta Blockers can cause Asthma to worsen/make allergy medicines less effective. I've been OK so far, but it's constantly nagging me.

I know there are more selective blockers and I will discuss them with the specialist I'm seeing next month. I just worry that switching will be difficult and the selective might not work as well. Yet, I hate constantly worrying about an asthma/allergy flare-up.

Any advice? Does anyone take a selective blocker?

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Today I had to break down and dust the bedroom as it was getting bad (yeah for Swiffers). I'm usually OK with mild dusting, but I think there was just too much build up and it really aggravated my allergies and breathing a bit.

Did the Beta Blocker I'm on make it worse? I'm not sure. It may have been just as bad without it. But yes, it's hard to decide. I wonder if trying a new one and, if that doesn't work, going back on the one that does work could cause any big issues? I'm sure the Doctor will say 'it shouldn't' but we know how we are with meds. :)

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I've been taking atenolol almost 3 years now. I'm concerned it may be causing significant memory problems. It's such a difficult decision to attempt a med change. There's always that chance of making things worse. What is a more selective beta blocker? Metoprolol was the one the doctor suggested I could try. If you do decide to switch keep us posted on whether it was effective. Good luck!!


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From what I understand, selective Beta Blockers target B1 (heart) rather than B2 (lung). Older Beta Blockers don't differentiate.

Now. There's now some arguing out there that low-dose older ones may be OK, but other studies apparently so no, they are not that great to use.

Metoprolol is a 'selective' Beta Blocker for B1 that looks similar to what I take so I hope they will let me try this. Now I'm anxious about asking the Doctor to switch me!

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