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Who Has Had Electromyography (emg) Test?


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After testing positive for both small fiber and large fiber neuropathy on QSART testing, I am now scheduled for EMG Testing for both the Nerve Conduction Study and the Needle EMG. The neurologist warned me that the test is not the most pleasant of tests and that minor pain may be involved.

Any information that can be shared will be greatly appreciated.


Bev Ray

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I've had them on 3 different occasions - my first was of my left arm and it was not uncomfortable at all. Next I had one of my right arm. It was lengthy and only a couple of portions were 'gonna hurt' but I was fully informed & told when to expect the 'owie' and truly compared to what life can offer in terms of pain....all I did was say a quiet ... low ... 'owie' and it was then overwith. The last one I had was for bilat. legs and low back. My doctor for this one made it easier with his sense of humor - telling me that "this is how we get you to talk.......this is how we learn your secrets"....... I told him I'd never tell him anything and he laughed and proceeded with the study. He had troubles with is equipment so I had an extra long uncomfortable part on my ankle area - but again even with that - I was just minorly annoyed.

So for me it was definitely a two part study - only one part was the part with needles....but with caring clinicians I can say it was truly no big deal. If for some reason you have a phobia of needles or are extremely sensitive or have a low tolerance for little pricks here and there - it may cause some anxiety.

I don't have any piercings or tatoos or the things that I would imagine to be very painful - it seems most of the world has those purely optional.......so this EMG to someone with tatoos would probably be a 'zero' on the discomfort scale lol!

The arm EMG's I just sat down. The legs and back I had to lay on the docs table on my stomach.

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ive had the needle test....

your doctors right its not so pleasant. its just enough pain to be really annoying but not shout out loud pain. if the person who is giving you the test is good at their job it should be painless, but more often than not they hit a nerve by accident causing a relaly funky pain

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I like the suggestion about taking a pain pill about 20 minutes prior to the test!!

My legs are extremely sensitive to pain. Before I knew I had small/large fiber neruropathy, I had gone for a pedicure. The manicurist gave a deep massage for both legs and feet. The pain was so intense, I was literally biting my lower lip! When the pedicure finally was over, I could barely walk! So, I fear the needle insertion into the muscle definitely will cause some pain! I will definitely take some Tramadol before the test.

Thanks for the information!


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  • 3 weeks later...

I've had several EMG's...maybe 5 or 6 so far. I've had my entire upper body and upper spine/neck. It was uncomfortable, but not bad enough to make me not do the test. Easier than getting a dental filling.

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