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Discontinuing Florinef

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I've been on florinef 0.1mg once a day for over 4 years now. About 2 weeks ago I started feeling sick and having slot of pressure in my chest. After going to the er I found out that my blood pressure is very high which isn't normal. So in order to get it down Dr Goodkin is taking me off my florinef. Of course I'm really nervous about the potential side effects and how getting this medication out of my system is going to make me feel.

If you've have gone through it, what did you experience and anything that helps your body adjust?

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I actually just quit taking florinef (0.2mg in the am and 0.1mg at night) for much the same reason you are stopping it. I did not have any "side effects" while weaning off it, so hopefully you'll be good.

Just take your BP at least daily and keep a journal on how you are feeling and what your BP is. Your BP should start to go down, just be aware of yourself, if your BP goes down to quickly you may experience some orthostatic symptoms. It just depends how high your BP currently is and how quickly it drops.

Hope everything goes well!



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I got increased systolic readings :rolleyes: ...also, increased joint pain that I was told could last for up to a year. My doc wanted me to gp back on it and I refused. I'm taking thermotabs as needed with fluids instead.

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I wasn't on it for as long as you've been but when I stopped I had no side effects whatsoever. I also see Dr. Goodkin and he asked me to keep an eye on my BP readings to ensure it didn't get too low again. Thankfully, my BP stayed around a normal level for me and I didn't need to take any more meds.

For me, I think those high BP readings was a signal from my body that it was healing itself and I really didn't need to supplement with meds any more. The Florinef was actually doing more harm then good at that point.

Good luck.

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